This parameter contains the mode of timer match or overflow interrupt的意思

时间: 2024-04-20 17:23:43 浏览: 15
这个参数表示定时器匹配或溢出中断的式。 定时器匹配中断是当时器的计数值与设定的比较值相等时触发的中断在这种模式下,你可以设置一个比寄存器,当定时器的计数与比较寄存器的值相等时,触发中断并执行相的中断服务程序。 定时器出中断是当定时器的计数值溢出(从最大值归零)时触发的中断。在这种模式下,你可以设置一个定时器的计数器位数,当计数器从最大值归零时发中断并执行相应的中断服务程序。 根据具体的单片机型号和编程方式,你可以选择使用定时器匹配中断或溢出中断,以满足你的需求。通过设置相关的寄存器或标志位,你可以启用定时器中断,并在中断服务程序中处理相应的操作。请参考相关的芯片手册和编程指南,了解具体单片机的定时器中断设置方法。

int itcs_timer_irq(int idx, void *arg) { timer_priv_t *timer_priv = (timer_priv_t *)arg; uint32_t tempregisr = 0; switch (timer_priv->timeridx) { case 1: tempregisr = readl(timer_priv->base + TIMER_ISR_C1); // printf("BEFORE READ COUNT1 ISR STAT RET :%08x\n",tempregisr); if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 4) == 1) { // printf("OVERFLOW INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_OVERFLOW_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 0) == 1) { g_endtime = get_timer(0); // printf("INTERVAL INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_INTERVAL_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 1) == 1) { g_endtimematch1 = get_timer(0); // printf("MATCH1 INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_MATCH1_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 2) == 1) { g_endtimematch2 = get_timer(0); // printf("MATCH2 INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_MATCH2_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 3) == 1) { g_endtimematch3 = get_timer(0); // printf("MATCH3 INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_MATCH3_INTERRUPT; } tempregisr = readl(timer_priv->base + TIMER_ISR_C1); // printf("AFTER READ COUNT1 ISR STAT RET :%08x\n",tempregisr); break; case 2: tempregisr = readl(timer_priv->base + TIMER_ISR_C2); // printf("BEFORE READ COUNT2 ISR STAT RET :%08x\n",tempregisr); if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 4) == 1) { // printf("OVERFLOW INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_OVERFLOW_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 0) == 1) { g_endtime = get_timer(0); // printf("INTERVAL INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_INTERVAL_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 1) == 1) { // printf("MATCH1 INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); g_endtimematch1 = get_timer(0); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_MATCH1_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 2) == 1) { g_endtimematch2 = get_timer(0); // printf("MATCH2 INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_MATCH2_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 3) == 1) { g_endtimematch3 = get_timer(0); // printf("MATCH3 INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_MATCH3_INTERRUPT; } tempregisr = readl(timer_priv->base + TIMER_ISR_C2); // printf("AFTER READ COUNT2 ISR STAT RET :%08x\n",tempregisr); break; case 3: tempregisr = readl(timer_priv->base + TIMER_ISR_C3); // printf("BEFORE READ COUNT3 ISR STAT RET :%08x\n",tempregisr); if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 4) == 1) { // printf("OVERFLOW INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_OVERFLOW_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 0) == 1) { g_endtime = get_timer(0); // printf("INTERVAL INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_INTERVAL_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 1) == 1) { g_endtimematch1 = get_timer(0); // printf("MATCH1 INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_MATCH1_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 2) == 1) { g_endtimematch2 = get_timer(0); // printf("MATCH2 INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_MATCH2_INTERRUPT; } if (GET_BIT(tempregisr, 3) == 1) { g_endtimematch3 = get_timer(0); // printf("MATCH3 INTERRUPT OCCUR\n"); timer_priv->enum_interrupt = TIMER_MATCH3_INTERRUPT; } tempregisr = readl(timer_priv->base + TIMER_ISR_C3); // printf("AFTER READED COUNT3 ISR STAT RET :%08x\n",readregisr); break; default: break; } if (timer_priv->cb_event) { timer_priv->cb_event(timer_priv); } return 0; }

This code defines a function called "itcs_timer_irq" that handles interrupts for a timer. The function takes two parameters: an integer index "idx" and a void pointer "arg". The "arg" parameter is cast to a pointer to a "timer_priv_t" structure. Inside the function, there is a switch statement that selects which timer to read the interrupt status register for. Depending on which bits are set in the register, the function sets a corresponding interrupt type in the "enum_interrupt" member of the "timer_priv" structure. Additionally, the function updates global variables "g_endtime", "g_endtimematch1", "g_endtimematch2", or "g_endtimematch3" based on which bits are set in the register. After handling the interrupt, the function calls a callback function "cb_event" if it is set in the "timer_priv" structure. The function returns 0.

The device has various configuration settings for the Low-power mode operation. The configuration settings are as follows: int[3-0] is used to set the interrupt timer value. With the interrupt timer set, the IC wakes up after the selected timer expires and issue an interrupt. This register can be selected to be OFF such that the IC does not wake-up from an interrupt timer. poll[3-0] is used to set the normal polling rate for the IC. The polling rate is the time between polling events. The current sources become active at this time for a time of tACTIVESGPOLLING or tACTIVESBPOLLING for SG or SB channels respectively.是什么意思

这段文本描述了设备的低功耗模式操作的各种配置设置。具体的配置设置如下: int[3-0] 用于设置中断定时器的值。设置了中断定时器后,IC会在选择的定时器到期后唤醒并发出一个中断。这个寄存器可以选择关闭,以使IC不会通过中断定时器被唤醒。 poll[3-0] 用于设置IC的正常轮询速率。轮询速率是轮询事件之间的时间间隔。在此时间内,电流源变为活动状态,活动时间为 tACTIVESGPOLLING 或 tACTIVESBPOLLING,对应SG或SB通道。








详解Python 多线程 Timer定时器/延迟执行、Event事件

主要介绍了Python 多线程 Timer定时器/延迟执行、Event事件的相关知识,本文给大家介绍的非常详细,具有一定的参考借鉴价值,需要的朋友可以参考下








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