时间: 2024-06-04 15:11:26 浏览: 147
Sure, I'd be happy to answer your question.
- layout_width/layout_height: sets the width and height of the LinearLayout
- gravity: sets the gravity of the contents within the LinearLayout
- orientation: sets the orientation of the LinearLayout (vertical or horizontal)
- layout_column: sets the column that the view should be in
- layout_span: sets the number of columns that the view should span
- layout_weight: sets the proportion of available space the view should take up
- layout_alignParentTop/bottom/left/right: aligns the view to the top/bottom/left/right of the parent container
- layout_alignTop/bottom/left/right: aligns the view to the top/bottom/left/right of another view
- layout_gravity: sets the gravity of the view within the FrameLayout
- foreground: sets the foreground drawable of the view
- layout_column: sets the column that the view should be in
- layout_row: sets the row that the view should be in
- layout_columnSpan: sets the number of columns that the view should span
- layout_rowSpan: sets the number of rows that the view should span
- layout_constraintStart_toStartOf/endToEndOf/topToTopOf/bottomToBottomOf: aligns the view to the start/end/top/bottom of another view
- layout_constraintWidth_percent/height_percent: sets the width/height of a view as a percentage of the parent container's size
I hope that helps!