ldentify Patterns using Boundaries Use these guidelines to determine and set the boundaries of the dynamic data:.Analyze the location of the dynamic data within the HTTPresponse. o ldentify the string that is immediately to the left of the dynamic data.This string defines the leftboundary of the dynamic data. o ldentify the string that is immediately to the right of the dynamic data.This string defines the rightboundary of the dynamic data. .The right and left boundaries should be as unique as possible to better locate the strings.. web_reg_save_param_ex looks for the characters between (but not including) the specified boundaries and saves the information beginning one byte after the left boundary and ending onebyte before the right boundary. web_reg_save_param_ex does not support embedded boundarycharacters. For example, if the input buffer is {a{b{c} and "[" is specified as a left boundary, and "as a rightboundary, the first instance is c and there are no further instances—it found the right and leftboundaries but it does not allow embedded boundaries, so "c" is the only valid match. By default, the maximum length of any boundary string is 256 characters.Include a web_set_max_html_param_len function in your script to increase the maximum permitted length.Forexample, the following function increases the maximum length to 1024 characters: These length restrictions do not apply where either the left or right boundaries are blank. -翻译成中文
时间: 2024-04-22 08:21:43 浏览: 171
1. 分析动态数据在HTTP响应中的位置。
2. 确定紧挨着动态数据左侧的字符串。该字符串定义了动态数据的左边界。
3. 确定紧挨着动态数据右侧的字符串。该字符串定义了动态数据的右边界。
4. 左右边界应尽可能独特,以更好地定位字符串。
5. web_reg_save_param_ex查找指定边界之间的字符(但不包括这些字符),并将信息保存在左边界之后的一个字节开始,右边界之前的一个字节结束。web_reg_save_param_ex不支持嵌入式边界字符。例如,如果输入缓冲区为{a {b {c},并且“ [”被指定为左边界,“as”被指定为右边界,则第一个实例是c,并且没有进一步的实例-它找到了右和左边界,但不允许嵌入式边界,因此“ c”是唯一有效的匹配。
6. 默认情况下,任何边界字符串的最大长度为256个字符。将web_set_max_html_param_len函数包含在脚本中以增加最大允许长度。例如,以下函数将最大长度增加到1024个字符:
7. 这些长度限制不适用于左或右边界为空的情况。
属性驱动设计(Attribute-Driven Design的步骤步骤1:确认有足够的需求信息 Step 1: Confirm there is sufficient requirements information 步骤2:选择要分解的系统元素 Step 2: Choose an element of the system to decompose 步骤3:确定所选元素的ASR Step 3: ldentify the ASRs for the chosen element 步骤4:选择符合ASR的设计概念 Step 4:Choose a design concept that satisfies the ASRs 步骤5:实例化架构元素并分配职责 Step 5: Instantiate architectural elements and allocate responsibilities 步骤6:为实例化元素定义接口 Step6: Define interfaces for instantiated elements 步骤7:验证和完善需求,并使其成为实例化元素的约束 Step 7: Verify and refine requirements and make them constraints for instantiated elements 步骤8:重复进行,直到满足所有ASR Step 8: Repeat until all the ASRs have been satisfied 这其中元素指的是什么、