unable to find method 'org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.componentselectionreason.getdescription()ljava/lang/string;'. possible causes for this unexpected error include: gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.) <a href="syncproject">re-download dependencies and sync project (requires network)</a> the state of a gradle build process (daemon) may be corrupt. stopping all gradle daemons may solve this problem. <a href="stopgradledaemons">stop gradle build processes (requires restart)</a> your project may be using a third-party plugin which is not compatible with the other plugins in the project or the version of gradle requested by the project. in the case of corrupt gradle processes, you can also try closing the ide and then killing all java processes.
时间: 2023-04-30 16:05:49 浏览: 342
无法找到方法'org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.componentselectionreason.getdescription()ljava/lang/string'。导致这个意外错误的可能原因包括:Gradle的依赖缓存可能已经损坏(有时在网络连接超时后会发生)。<a href="syncproject">重新下载依赖项并同步项目(需要网络)</a> Gradle构建进程(守护进程)的状态可能已经损坏。停止所有Gradle守护进程可能会解决这个问题。<a href="stopgradledaemons">停止Gradle构建进程(需要重启)</a> 您的项目可能正在使用不兼容其他插件或项目所请求的Gradle版本的第三方插件。在情况下Gradle 进程已损坏,您也可以尝试关闭IDE,然后杀死所有Java进程。
unable to find method 'org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.componentselectionreason.getdescription()ljava/lang/string;'.
ERROR: Unable to find method 'org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.ComponentSelectionReason.getDescription()Ljava/lang/String;'.
This error occurs when you are using a version of Gradle that is incompatible with a plugin or dependency in your project.
To fix this error, you should try the following steps:
1. Check the Gradle version specified in your project's build.gradle file and ensure that it is compatible with the plugin or dependency you are using.
2. If you are using a third-party plugin, check its documentation to see if it has any specific Gradle version requirements.
3. Upgrade or downgrade your Gradle version to a compatible version. You can do this by modifying the Gradle version in the Gradle wrapper properties file (gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties) or by manually installing a different version of Gradle.
4. If none of the above steps work, you may need to remove the plugin or dependency causing the issue and find an alternative solution.