struct __attribute__((packed)) ul_pak_header
时间: 2024-05-24 19:15:00 浏览: 79
这是一个 C 语言结构体定义,使用了 GCC 的扩展特性 __attribute__((packed)),表示该结构体成员在内存中不会被自动对齐,从而达到紧凑的内存布局。通常使用该特性的目的是减小结构体在内存中占用的空间,提升内存利用率。 ul_pak_header 可以理解为一个网络协议包头的结构体,其中包含了一些用于协议解析的字段。
The `__attribute__((packed))` is a compiler-specific attribute that is used to indicate to the compiler that the structure or variable should be packed tightly without any padding bytes between the members.
This attribute is used to reduce the memory footprint of a structure or variable, as it eliminates any unused bytes of memory that would be reserved for padding.
Here's an example of how to use this attribute:
struct Example {
char a;
int b;
short c;
} __attribute__((packed));
In the above example, the `Example` structure is packed tightly without any padding bytes. Without the `packed` attribute, the compiler would add padding bytes to align the members of the structure to a 4-byte boundary.
It's important to note that using `packed` attribute may cause performance issues when accessing the members of the structure, as it may require additional instructions to extract or store the data. Additionally, the lack of padding may also cause alignment issues on certain architectures.