将下面代码[cost_path, cost_distance] = dijkstra(g, start_node, end_node, cost_func, wait_cost_func)补全成一个对应matlab函数代码
时间: 2024-02-13 13:06:18 浏览: 66
function [cost_path, cost_distance] = dijkstra(g, start_node, end_node, cost_func, wait_cost_func)
% Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path in a graph
% g: the graph in adjacency list format
% start_node: the starting node
% end_node: the ending node
% cost_func: a function handle that returns the cost of traversing an edge
% wait_cost_func: a function handle that returns the cost of waiting at a node
% cost_path: the shortest path from start_node to end_node
% cost_distance: the total distance of the shortest path
n = numel(g); % number of nodes in the graph
dist = Inf(1, n); % initialize the distance vector
prev = zeros(1, n); % initialize the previous node vector
visited = false(1, n); % initialize the visited vector
dist(start_node) = 0; % set the starting node distance to zero
while ~all(visited) % loop until all nodes are visited
[~, u] = min(dist(~visited)); % find the unvisited node with the smallest distance
visited(u) = true; % mark the node as visited
for v = g{u} % loop through the neighbors of u
if ~visited(v) % if the neighbor is unvisited
alt = dist(u) + cost_func(u, v) + wait_cost_func(v, dist(u) + cost_func(u, v)); % calculate the alternative distance
if alt < dist(v) % if the alternative distance is smaller than the current distance
dist(v) = alt; % update the distance vector
prev(v) = u; % update the previous node vector
% construct the shortest path
path = end_node;
while path(1) ~= start_node
path = [prev(path(1)), path];
% calculate the total distance of the shortest path
distance = dist(end_node);
% output the results
cost_path = path;
cost_distance = distance;
注意:在MATLAB中,您需要声明函数名称以及输入和输出参数。另外,MATLAB不支持Python中的列表(list),因此在MATLAB中使用了单元数组(cell array)来表示邻接表。