以下shell脚本是什么意思,转成Python是什么样的 link_status=$(lspci -vvs ${slot_bus} | grep -iw "LnkSta:" | grep -i "DLActive-")
时间: 2024-03-07 13:47:36 浏览: 267
import subprocess
import re
slot_bus = "01:00.0"
output = subprocess.check_output(["lspci", "-vvs", slot_bus]).decode("utf-8")
link_status = re.search(r"LnkSta:\s*(.*)", output).group(1)
if "DLActive-" in link_status:
print("Device is connected with DLActive- status.")
print("Device is not connected with DLActive- status.")
import paramiko import pytest import psutil from common.abs_common import log @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ssh_client(): print('-----ssh远程连接-------') ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect('', username='root', password='1') yield ssh ssh.close() print("获取PCIe设备的bus number,带宽和速度") def test_network_interface(ssh_client): stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command("lspci|grep -i 'non' | cut -f1 -d ' '") interface = stdout.read().decode() stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"lspci -s {interface} -vvv |grep -i Lnkcap | cut -f2 -d ','") widthcap = stdout.read().decode().strip() outputwidthcap = stdout.read().decode("utf-8") stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"lspci -s {interface} -vvv |grep -i Lnksta | cut -f2 -d ','") widthsta = stdout.read().decode().strip() outputwidthsta = stdout.read().decode("utf-8") stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"lspci -s {interface} -vvv |grep -i Lnkcap | cut -f3 -d ','") speedcap = stdout.read().decode().strip() outputspeedcap = stdout.read().decode("utf-8") stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"lspci -s {interface} -vvv |grep -i Lnksta | cut -f3 -d ','") speedsta = stdout.read().decode().strip() outputspeedsta = stdout.read().decode("utf-8") print("比较lspci中PCIe设备的带宽和速度Lnkcap和Lnksta") assert widthcap == widthsta assert speedcap == speedsta print(outputwidthcap,outputwidthsta,outputspeedcap,outputspeedsta) if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main(['-o log_cli=True --html=./test_get_nic_width.html -s'])
这段代码是用于测试获取PCIe设备的带宽和速度,其中使用了paramiko库建立远程SSH连接,执行了一些命令来获取相关信息。在test_network_interface函数中,首先使用lspci命令获取PCIe设备的bus number,然后通过grep和cut命令获取Lnkcap和Lnksta信息,分别表示PCIe设备的带宽和速度,最后通过assert语句比较这两个值是否相等。如果测试通过,会输出相关信息,并生成一个HTML格式的测试报告。
test $pci_command -eq 1 && lspci -vvvxxx >"pci_vvv_$1"
I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot execute commands as I am not running on a terminal or shell. Can you please provide me with more context or information about what you are trying to achieve or the purpose of this command?