A = K.permute_dimensions(A, (0, 3, 2, 1))
时间: 2023-10-08 18:04:48 浏览: 75
具体来说,`K`是Keras的后端,`permute_dimensions()`函数可以用于改变张量的维度顺序。第一个参数`A`是要改变维度顺序的张量,第二个参数`(0, 3, 2, 1)`表示要将原来的维度顺序`(0, 1, 2, 3)`改为`(0, 3, 2, 1)`。
例如,如果`A`的形状为`(batch_size, height, width, channels)`,那么执行`K.permute_dimensions(A, (0, 3, 2, 1))`后,`A`的形状将变为`(batch_size, channels, width, height)`。
q, k, v = [l(x).view(nbatches, -1, self.h, self.d_k).transpose(1, 2) for l, x in zip(self.linears, (q, k, v))]
This line of code is using list comprehension to apply three linear transformations to the input tensors q, k, and v. Each linear transformation corresponds to a weight matrix and a bias term, and is defined by one of the three nn.Linear layers in the self.linears list.
The input tensors q, k, and v are first passed through their corresponding nn.Linear layer using the function call syntax l(x), where l is the linear layer and x is the input tensor. This produces three output tensors, which are then passed through a series of operations:
1. The view method is used to reshape each tensor so that it has dimensions (nbatches, -1, self.h, self.d_k). The -1 in the second dimension means that this dimension is inferred from the size of the tensor and the other dimensions. This effectively splits the tensor into self.h smaller tensors, each of size (nbatches, -1, self.d_k).
2. The transpose method is used to permute the dimensions of each tensor so that the second and third dimensions are swapped. This changes the shape of the tensor from (nbatches, self.h, -1, self.d_k) to (nbatches, -1, self.h, self.d_k), which is the desired shape for each of the output tensors.
The resulting three tensors q, k, and v are then returned as a tuple, which can be used as input to the subsequent attention mechanism.
### 关于2DLDA在Matlab中处理三维光谱
二维线性判别分析(Two-Dimensional Linear Discriminant Analysis, 2DLDA)是一种有效的特征提取技术,在模式识别领域应用广泛。对于三维光谱数据的处理,可以将2DLDA扩展到多维情况来适应高维度的数据结构[^1]。
function W = twoDimLDA_3DSpectrum(X, Y)
% X is the input data matrix with dimensions (height * width * bands) by samples.
% Y contains class labels for each sample.
[H, W, B, N] = size(X); % H: height; W: width; B: number of spectral bands; N: number of samples
% Reshape into a suitable format for LDA computation
X_vectorized = reshape(permute(X, [4, 1, 2, 3]), [], B*H*W);
classes = unique(Y);
numClasses = length(classes);
Sw = zeros(B*H*W, B*H*W);
Sb = zeros(B*H*W, B*H*W);
overallMean = mean(X_vectorized, 2);
for i = 1:numClasses
Xi = X_vectorized(:, Y==classes(i));
classMean = mean(Xi, 2);
Ni = sum(Y == classes(i));
% Within-class scatter matrix update
Sw = Sw + cov(Xi')*(Ni-1)/(N-numClasses);
% Between-class scatter matrix update
diffVec = classMean - overallMean;
Sb = Sb + Ni * diffVec * diffVec';
% Solve generalized eigenvalue problem
[V,D] = eig(Sw\Sb);
% Sort according to descending order of eigenvalues and select top k components as projection vectors
[~, idx] = sort(diag(D), 'descend');
V_sorted = V(:,idx);
% Choose optimal dimensionality reduction value based on cumulative variance explained or other criteria
k_optimal = chooseOptimalK(V_sorted, D(idx,:));
W = V_sorted(:, 1:k_optimal);
% Helper function to determine optimal K
function k = chooseOptimalK(V_sorted, D)
totalVarExplained = cumsum(abs(diag(D))) / sum(abs(diag(D)));
threshold = 0.95; % Define desired level of retained variability here
k = find(totalVarExplained >= threshold, 1);