[Error] no matching function for call to 'book::book()'
时间: 2024-02-06 09:09:12 浏览: 165
这个错误通常是因为在创建一个 `book` 对象时,没有为其提供合适的构造函数。请检查代码中是否定义了 `book` 的默认构造函数,如果没有,请添加一个类似于以下代码的构造函数:
book::book() {
// constructor code here
no matching function for call to widget::connect
This error message typically occurs in Qt when you try to connect a signal to a slot, but the arguments of the signal and the slot do not match. To fix it, you need to make sure that the arguments of the signal and the slot are compatible.
For example, if you have a signal that takes an integer parameter and a slot that takes a string parameter, you will get this error message. To fix it, you either need to change the signal to take a string parameter or change the slot to take an integer parameter.
Here's an example of how to connect a signal to a slot with compatible arguments:
QObject::connect(sender, &Sender::valueChanged, receiver, &Receiver::updateValue);
In this example, the signal "valueChanged" takes an integer parameter and the slot "updateValue" also takes an integer parameter, so they are compatible. If your code is still giving you the "no matching function for call to widget::connect" error message, double-check the arguments of the signal and the slot to make sure they match.
no matching function for call to 'std::vector<Book>::erase(Book&)
当你看到 `no matching function for call to 'std::vector<Book>::erase(Book&)` 这样的错误,它通常表示你在尝试从 C++ 的 `std::vector` 中删除某个元素时遇到了问题。`std::vector` 的 `erase` 函数用于移除指定位置的元素,它的第一个参数可以是一个迭代器或者是元素的位置。
如果你传递的是一个元素引用(如 `Book&`),这意味着你试图像对待常量一样处理一个可修改的对象,因为引用是常量引用(`const Book&`),`erase` 没有匹配的重载版本来接受一个常量引用作为参数。你应该使用一个非常量引用或直接提供元素的位置索引来解决这个问题:
// 使用非常量引用
myVector.erase(std::remove(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(), book), myVector.end());
// 或者使用位置索引
myVector.erase(myVector.begin() + index);
如果 `book` 是一个已知索引的元素,那就直接传入索引;如果需要查找并删除特定对象,应该先使用 `find` 函数找到对应的迭代器。