时间: 2024-05-21 12:18:31 浏览: 102
应用Basic Kalman Filter 过滤一个随机行走的时间曲线: 随机行走模型: X_t=X_(t-1)+ξ_t 假设ξ_t的方差σ_ξ^2=1 对X_t(eg. 离中心点距离)的观测值为: y_t=X_t+ε_t 观测误差σ_ε^2 随时间变化,满足平均值为0,标准差为2的高斯分布 我们已知在时间 t = 0,1,2,…, 19 的观测值是: 应用以上信息用python画出该随机行走模型的轨迹,包括观测值、先验值、后验值 (Kalman Filter同化)以及它们的误差范围。(横坐标为时间
好的,以下是 Python 实现 Kalman Filter 过滤随机行走时间曲线并绘制轨迹和误差范围的代码示例:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# 随机行走模型参数
sigma_xi = 1
# 观测误差参数
sigma_epsilon = np.array([np.random.normal(0, 2) for i in range(20)])
# 状态转移矩阵
A = np.array([[1]])
# 状态转移噪声协方差矩阵
Q = np.array([[sigma_xi ** 2]])
# 观测矩阵
H = np.array([[1]])
# 观测噪声协方差矩阵
R = np.diag(sigma_epsilon ** 2)
# 初始化状态和协方差矩阵
X = np.array([[0]])
P = np.array([[1]])
# 保存滤波结果
X_filtered = [X[0, 0]]
# 保存先验值和后验值及其误差范围
X_predict = [X[0, 0]]
X_update = [X[0, 0]]
P_predict = [P[0, 0]]
P_update = [P[0, 0]]
# Kalman Filter 过滤
for i in range(20):
# 预测
X_predict.append(, X)[0, 0])
P_predict.append(,, A.T))[0, 0] + Q[0, 0])
# 更新
K =[i+1],, np.linalg.inv(,[i+1], H.T)) + R[i+1, i+1])))
X_update.append((np.array([[i]]) -, X_predict[i+1]))[0, 0] * K[0, 0] + X_predict[i+1]
P_update.append((1 - K[0, 0]) * P_predict[i+1])
X = np.array([[X_update[i+1]]])
P = np.array([[P_update[i+1]]])
# 保存滤波结果
X_filtered.append(X[0, 0])
# 绘制滤波结果和误差范围
plt.plot(range(20), np.array(X_filtered), label="filtered")
plt.plot(range(21), np.array(X_predict), label="prior")
plt.plot(range(21), np.array(X_update), label="posterior")
plt.fill_between(range(21), np.array(X_predict) - 2 * np.sqrt(np.array(P_predict)), np.array(X_predict) + 2 * np.sqrt(np.array(P_predict)), alpha=0.2, color='blue')
plt.fill_between(range(21), np.array(X_update) - 2 * np.sqrt(np.array(P_update)), np.array(X_update) + 2 * np.sqrt(np.array(P_update)), alpha=0.2, color='orange')
plt.plot(range(20), np.array([i for i in range(20)]), label="true")
apriltag_ros python
Apriltag is a popular library for detecting and identifying visual fiducial markers called tags. The `apriltag_ros` package is a ROS wrapper for the Apriltag library, allowing you to use Apriltag functionalities within a ROS environment. It provides ROS nodes that can subscribe to image topics, detect Apriltags in the images, and publish the detected tag poses.
To use `apriltag_ros` in Python, you can follow these steps:
1. Install the `apriltag_ros` package:
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-apriltag-ros
Replace `<distro>` with your ROS distribution (e.g., melodic, noetic).
2. Create a ROS package (if you haven't already) where you'll write your Python code:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg my_apriltag_pkg rospy apriltag_ros
Replace `my_apriltag_pkg` with your desired package name.
3. In your Python script, import the necessary modules:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
from cv_bridge import CvBridge
from apriltag_ros.msg import AprilTagDetectionArray
4. Initialize the ROS node and create a subscriber to the image topic:
bridge = CvBridge()
def image_callback(msg):
cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, desired_encoding='passthrough')
# Perform Apriltag detection using cv_image
image_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/camera/image_raw', Image, image_callback)
Replace `/camera/image_raw` with the appropriate image topic for your setup.
5. Process the received image in the callback function and publish the detected tag poses:
def image_callback(msg):
cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, desired_encoding='passthrough')
# Perform Apriltag detection using cv_image
# Publish the detected tag poses
detection_array = AprilTagDetectionArray()
# Populate detection_array with detected tag poses
pub = rospy.Publisher('/apriltag/detections', AprilTagDetectionArray, queue_size=10)
Replace `/apriltag/detections` with the desired topic to publish the detected tag poses.
6. Finally, run your ROS node:
rosrun my_apriltag_pkg
Remember to replace `my_apriltag_pkg` and `` with your actual package and node names.
This is a basic example to get you started with `apriltag_ros` in Python. You can find more information about the package and its functionalities in the official ROS documentation and the `apriltag_ros` GitHub repository.