1. (10分)定义函数void Insert(char a[], charx, intI position)完成将一 个字符x插入到字符串的posi tion位置。例如:当字符串为“abcdefg”,x为‘k',position为4, 就是A将“k’插入到字符串abcdefg的a[4]的位置。完成插入后,字符串变成abcdikefg (提示:要将a[4]后的所有数组元素后移,再插入。) 再在主函数中调用这个函故,输出插入后的结果。如果sitio超出字符串的长度或小于0,输出wron positon。 P:注意也可以是或最后一个位置的下标。另外,定义鼓组守子符串时需要预留要插入字符的内存空间。 输入提示:"pleaseinput char x: 输入格式:"%C 输入提示:”pleaseinput Pos1:i ti on: 输入格式:"%d“” 输入提示:"pleaseinputstring wronsposition 输入格式:getsu is: %s 输出格式:"+hresul t 程序运行结果示例1:char x:kpleasei nput pleaseinputpositionisa:abedefB t string plezase input be dkcefgtheresult1t is:
时间: 2024-03-19 21:43:24 浏览: 93
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
void Insert(char a[], char x, int position) {
int len = strlen(a);
if (position < 0 || position > len) {
cout << "wrong position" << endl;
for (int i = len; i >= position; i--) {
a[i + 1] = a[i];
a[position] = x;
int main() {
char a[100], x;
int position;
cout << "please input string: ";
cout << "please input char x: ";
cin >> x;
cout << "please input position: ";
cin >> position;
Insert(a, x, position);
cout << "the result is: " << a << endl;
return 0;
please input string: abcdefg
please input char x: k
please input position: 4
the result is: abcdkefg
please input string: abcdefg
please input char x: k
please input position: 7
wrong position
please input string: abcdefg
please input char x: k
please input position: -1
wrong position