解决近年来,事故灾害、自然灾害以及公共卫生事件频繁爆发,对人民的生命和财产安全造成巨大威胁。对此,在灾害发生前储备相应救援应急物资,在灾害发生后积极展开应急救援工作,及时为灾区提供应急物资就显得尤为重要。 国内某地区有1320个居民点,任意两个居民点间的距离见附件1,每个居民点的居民数和3个仓库的所在位置见附件2。请建立数学模型求解下列问题。 问题1. 有一批应急物资A需要按人手一份尽快运送到所有居民手里。假设每个仓库中都有充足的物资A,它们已经按每600份一箱打包装在规格为长0.3米、宽0.3米、高0.3米的箱子里,由规格为长8.5米、宽3米、高3.5米的货车运送到居民点,在装卸货和运送过程中这些箱子都不拆封,因此每个居民点最终都收到整数箱的物资A。每辆货车从某个仓库装货后出发,在完成运送任务后返回出发地,车辆平均配速为60千米/小时,出发时间为上午8点,在中午13点左右休息两个小时不工作。货车在每个居民点的卸货时间是10分钟。当所有货车返回出发仓库,意味着整个物资运送工作完成。请安排货车进行物资的运送,使得在确保所有居民点都能在下午18:30前收到充足物资的条件下,所需货车的数量尽可能少且整个物资运送工作完成的时间尽可能早。给出matlab的遗传算法fitness代码
时间: 2023-06-26 11:06:25 浏览: 431
以下是一个简单的遗传算法的 MATLAB 代码,用于解决该问题:
% Load data from files
distances = importdata('distances.txt');
populations = importdata('populations.txt');
warehouses = importdata('warehouses.txt');
% Define parameters
num_genes = length(populations); % Number of genes (i.e. villages)
num_warehouses = length(warehouses); % Number of warehouses
num_trucks = 100; % Number of trucks to use
truck_capacity = 600; % Maximum capacity of each truck
truck_speed = 60; % Average speed of each truck (in km/h)
rest_time = 2; % Rest time for each truck (in hours)
unloading_time = 10 / 60; % Time to unload one box (in hours)
start_time = 8; % Start time (in hours)
end_time = 18.5; % End time (in hours)
% Define fitness function
fitness = @(genes) evaluate_fitness(genes, distances, populations, warehouses, ...
num_warehouses, num_trucks, truck_capacity, truck_speed, rest_time, ...
unloading_time, start_time, end_time);
% Run genetic algorithm
options = gaoptimset('PopulationSize', 1000, 'Generations', 100, 'StallGenLimit', 50);
[best_genes, best_fitness] = ga(fitness, num_genes, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], options);
% Output results
fprintf('Best fitness: %f\n', best_fitness);
fprintf('Best solution: %s\n', mat2str(best_genes));
% Define fitness evaluation function
function score = evaluate_fitness(genes, distances, populations, warehouses, ...
num_warehouses, num_trucks, truck_capacity, truck_speed, rest_time, ...
unloading_time, start_time, end_time)
% Initialize variables
trucks = zeros(num_trucks, 2); % [warehouse, time] for each truck
warehouse_counts = zeros(num_warehouses, 1);
time_elapsed = 0;
score = 0;
% Loop through all genes (i.e. villages)
for i = 1:length(genes)
% Determine closest warehouse
distances_to_warehouses = distances(i, warehouses);
[~, closest_warehouse] = min(distances_to_warehouses);
% Check if there is enough capacity on any of the trucks
truck_found = false;
for j = 1:num_trucks
if warehouse_counts(trucks(j, 1)) + genes(i) <= truck_capacity
% Load onto existing truck
trucks(j, 1) = closest_warehouse;
trucks(j, 2) = max(trucks(j, 2) + distances(i, warehouses(closest_warehouse)) / truck_speed, time_elapsed);
time_elapsed = trucks(j, 2) + unloading_time;
warehouse_counts(closest_warehouse) = warehouse_counts(closest_warehouse) + genes(i);
truck_found = true;
% If no trucks are available, add a new one
if ~truck_found
trucks(end+1, :) = [closest_warehouse, time_elapsed];
time_elapsed = time_elapsed + distances(i, warehouses(closest_warehouse)) / truck_speed + unloading_time;
warehouse_counts(closest_warehouse) = warehouse_counts(closest_warehouse) + genes(i);
% Calculate score
for i = 1:num_trucks
score = max(score, trucks(i, 2) + distances(warehouses(trucks(i, 1)), warehouses(1)) / truck_speed);
% Check if solution is feasible
if score > end_time
score = Inf;