IDPSP问题 matlab代码

时间: 2023-10-02 16:12:11 浏览: 45
IDPSP问题(即带时间窗口的车辆路径问题)是指在有限时间内,为满足一系列客户的需求,从一个仓库出发,依次经过客户位置并完成服务,最终回到仓库的问题。其中每个客户有一个时间窗口,即需要在规定时间内到达客户位置。 下面给出一个简单的基于matlab的代码,使用遗传算法来解决IDPSP问题: ``` function [best_solution, best_fitness] = idpsp_ga(customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity, max_time, n_generations, pop_size, mutation_rate, crossover_rate) % IDPSP problem solution using genetic algorithm % customers: (n x 3) matrix, with columns (x, y, demand), where % n is the number of customers, x and y are the coordinates of the customer, % and demand is the amount of goods that the customer needs to be delivered. % n_vehicles: the number of vehicles available for the deliveries % vehicle_capacity: the maximum capacity of each vehicle % max_time: the maximum time for each vehicle to complete its deliveries % n_generations: the number of generations for the genetic algorithm % pop_size: the size of the population for the genetic algorithm % mutation_rate: the mutation rate for the genetic algorithm % crossover_rate: the crossover rate for the genetic algorithm n_customers = size(customers, 1); % Calculate the distances between all pairs of customers distances = zeros(n_customers, n_customers); for i = 1:n_customers for j = 1:n_customers distances(i, j) = sqrt((customers(i, 1) - customers(j, 1))^2 + (customers(i, 2) - customers(j, 2))^2); end end % Initialize the population pop = init_pop(n_customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity); % Evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population fitness = eval_fitness(pop, distances, customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity, max_time); % Keep track of the best solution and its fitness [best_fitness, best_idx] = min(fitness); best_solution = pop(best_idx, :); % Start the genetic algorithm for i = 1:n_generations % Select parents for crossover parents = select_parents(pop, fitness); % Perform crossover offspring = crossover(parents, crossover_rate); % Perform mutation offspring = mutate(offspring, mutation_rate); % Evaluate the fitness of the offspring offspring_fitness = eval_fitness(offspring, distances, customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity, max_time); % Merge the offspring with the current population pop = [pop; offspring]; fitness = [fitness offspring_fitness]; % Perform elitism (keep the best individuals from the previous generation) [fitness, idx] = sort(fitness); pop = pop(idx, :); pop = pop(1:pop_size, :); fitness = fitness(1:pop_size); % Update the best solution if necessary [min_fitness, min_idx] = min(fitness); if min_fitness < best_fitness best_fitness = min_fitness; best_solution = pop(min_idx, :); end % Print the best fitness so far fprintf('Generation %d: Best fitness = %f\n', i, best_fitness); end end function pop = init_pop(n_customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity) % Initialize the population pop = zeros(n_vehicles, n_customers); for i = 1:n_vehicles % Randomly assign customers to each vehicle until the capacity is reached capacity_left = vehicle_capacity; while capacity_left > 0 j = randi(n_customers); if capacity_left >= customers(j, 3) && sum(pop(:, j)) == 0 pop(i, j) = 1; capacity_left = capacity_left - customers(j, 3); end end end end function fitness = eval_fitness(pop, distances, customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity, max_time) % Evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population n_customers = size(customers, 1); % Calculate the total distance and time for each vehicle total_distance = zeros(n_vehicles, 1); total_time = zeros(n_vehicles, 1); for i = 1:n_vehicles route = find(pop(i, :)); for j = 1:length(route)-1 total_distance(i) = total_distance(i) + distances(route(j), route(j+1)); total_time(i) = total_time(i) + distances(route(j), route(j+1)); end end % Calculate the waiting time for each customer waiting_time = zeros(n_customers, 1); for i = 1:n_customers if sum(pop(:, i)) > 0 route = find(pop(:, i)); arrival_time = total_time(route(1:end-1)) + distances(route(1:end-1), i); waiting_time(i) = max(customers(i, 4) - arrival_time, 0); end end % Calculate the fitness of each solution fitness = max(total_distance) + sum(waiting_time) + max(total_time) - max_time; end function parents = select_parents(pop, fitness) % Select parents for crossover using roulette wheel selection n_parents = size(pop, 1); parents = zeros(n_parents, size(pop, 2)); % Calculate the selection probabilities prob = fitness / sum(fitness); % Choose the parents using roulette wheel selection for i = 1:n_parents r = rand(); cum_prob = 0; for j = 1:length(prob) cum_prob = cum_prob + prob(j); if r <= cum_prob parents(i, :) = pop(j, :); break; end end end end function offspring = crossover(parents, crossover_rate) % Perform crossover using one-point crossover n_parents = size(parents, 1); n_genes = size(parents, 2); offspring = zeros(n_parents, n_genes); for i = 1:n_parents/2 if rand() <= crossover_rate % Choose a crossover point crossover_point = randi(n_genes-1); % Perform one-point crossover offspring(2*i-1, :) = [parents(2*i-1, 1:crossover_point) parents(2*i, crossover_point+1:end)]; offspring(2*i, :) = [parents(2*i, 1:crossover_point) parents(2*i-1, crossover_point+1:end)]; else % No crossover, simply copy the parents to the offspring offspring(2*i-1, :) = parents(2*i-1, :); offspring(2*i, :) = parents(2*i, :); end end end function offspring = mutate(parents, mutation_rate) % Perform mutation by swapping two genes n_parents = size(parents, 1); n_genes = size(parents, 2); offspring = parents; for i = 1:n_parents if rand() <= mutation_rate % Choose two genes to swap gene1 = randi(n_genes); gene2 = randi(n_genes); % Perform the swap offspring(i, [gene1 gene2]) = offspring(i, [gene2 gene1]); end end end ``` 这个代码使用了遗传算法来解决IDPSP问题,其中包括了初始化种群、评估适应度、选择父代、交叉和变异等步骤。需要注意的是,这里的时间窗口是以客户的需求时间为基准计算的。如果需要将时间窗口考虑为实际时间,需要对代码进行一些修改。











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