解析C_INCLUDES:=-I../mend -I../main -I../usrlib
时间: 2023-09-28 21:13:47 浏览: 160
这是一个 Makefile 中的语句,用于指定 C 编译器在编译时需要包含的头文件路径。具体来说,C_INCLUDES 变量被赋值为 "-I../mend -I../main -I../usrlib",表示需要包含三个路径下的头文件,分别是 "../mend"、"../main" 和 "../usrlib"。其中,"-I" 是一个编译选项,用于告诉编译器需要包含的头文件路径。因此,这个语句的含义就是告诉编译器在编译时需要将这些路径下的头文件包含进来。
CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:5 (set): Syntax error in cmake code at E:/PycharmProjects/mend/tensorrtx/yolov5/CMakeLists.txt:5 when parsing string E:\itOpencv\opencv\build Invalid escape sequence \i Policy CMP0010 is not set: Bad variable reference syntax is an error. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0010" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:10 (set): Syntax error in cmake code at
这个警告信息表明,在 CMakeLists.txt 文件的第 5 行和第 10 行出现了语法错误。具体地说,第 5 行中的字符串 "E:\itOpencv\opencv\build" 中的反斜杠 "\" 被视为无效的转义序列,需要进行修复。在 CMake 中,反斜杠是用来进行路径分隔符转义的,因此您可以将路径中的反斜杠改为正斜杠 "/",或者将每个反斜杠都加倍,即将 "\" 改为 "\\"。另外,警告信息中提到了 CMP0010 策略,您可以通过在 CMakeLists.txt 文件中添加 `cmake_policy(SET CMP0010 NEW)` 来设置该策略并消除警告。
static_cast<uint64_t>(mEnd - mCurrent) failed
As an AI language model, I cannot know the exact cause of the error without looking at the code or context. However, based on the error message, it seems like there is an issue with casting a value to an unsigned 64-bit integer. It could be possible that the value being casted is outside the range of the unsigned 64-bit integer, or there could be an issue with the data types being used. It is recommended to double-check the code and the data being used to identify the root cause of the error.