时间: 2023-09-14 12:09:59 浏览: 271
matlab 仿真
Fabry-Perot interferometer是一种常见的光学干涉仪,用于测量光的波长、折射率、薄膜厚度等。在MATLAB中,可以使用光学工具箱中的函数进行Fabry-Perot interferometer的模拟。以下是一个简单的示例代码:
% Fabry-Perot Interferometer Simulation
clear all;
% Input Parameters
lambda = 632.8e-9; % wavelength of light (m)
n = 1.5; % refractive index of the medium
d = 1e-6; % thickness of the Fabry-Perot cavity (m)
R1 = 0.9; % reflectivity of the first mirror
R2 = 0.9; % reflectivity of the second mirror
% Calculate the round-trip phase shift
delta = 4*pi*n*d/lambda;
% Calculate the complex reflection coefficients of the mirrors
r1 = sqrt(R1);
r2 = sqrt(R2);
t1 = sqrt(1-R1);
t2 = sqrt(1-R2);
% Calculate the complex amplitude reflection coefficients of the mirrors
R1_amp = r1*exp(-1i*delta);
R2_amp = r2*exp(-1i*delta);
% Calculate the transfer matrix of the Fabry-Perot cavity
M = [t1/(1-R1_amp*R2_amp) 2*R1_amp/(1-R1_amp*R2_amp);...
2*R2_amp/(1-R1_amp*R2_amp) t2/(1-R1_amp*R2_amp)];
% Calculate the total transfer matrix of the Fabry-Perot interferometer
M_total = [1 0; -1i*n*lambda/2/pi 1]*M*[1 0; -1i*n*lambda/2/pi 1]*M;
% Calculate the output field amplitude and intensity
E_out = M_total(2,1)/M_total(1,1);
I_out = abs(E_out)^2;
% Display the results
disp(['Output Intensity: ', num2str(I_out)]);
该代码使用输入参数计算Fabry-Perot interferometer的传输矩阵,并输出干涉仪的输出光强度。你可以根据需要修改输入参数,例如改变介质的折射率、腔体厚度或镜子反射率等。