module test; typedef struct packed { logic [9:-1][2:0] a; //REQ-EXT-10001, REQ-EXT-10004 } ST1; typedef struct { ST1 st1; logic [2:0] b; } ST2; typedef struct { logic [31:0] c; // ST3 definition missing } ST3; typedef struct { ST3 st3; ST2 st2_arr[3:0]; } ST4; initial begin ST2 st2; ST2 st2_1 = {3'b101, {ST1{10'b110}}, {ST1{20'b10101010101010}},{ST1{30'b1}}}; ST2 st2_2 = {3'b010, {ST1{10'b101}}, {ST1{20'b01010101010101}},{ST1{30'b0}}}; st2 = {3'b1, {ST1{10'b110}}, {ST1{20'b10101010101010}}, {ST1{30'b1}}}; $display("%p",st2); //CHECK-001:'{a:'h1}, st2:'{'a:'h1}, '{a:'h0},'{a:h1}}} $display("st2_1:%p", st2_1); //CHECK-002 $display("st2_2:%p", st2_2); //CHECK-003 end endmodule 这段代码要如何修改才能跑通?
时间: 2023-11-01 07:25:12 浏览: 36
typedef struct {
logic [31:0] c;
} ST3;
typedef struct packed {
logic [9:-1][2:0] a;
} ST1;
$display("%0p", st2);
$display("st2_1:%0p", st2_1);
$display("st2_2:%0p", st2_2);
module test; typedef struct packed { logic [9:-1][2:0] a; //REQ-EXT-10001, REQ-EXT-10004 }ST1; typedef struct { ST1 st1; ST2 st2[2:0]; }ST2; initial begin ST2 st2; st2='{2'b01, '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'b1}}; //REQ-EXT-10101 &display("%p", st2); //CHECK-001: '{st1:'{a:'h1}, st2:"{'{a:'h1},'{a:'h0},'{a:'h1}}} end endmodule REQ-EXT-10101处可以如何修改,使得代码仍然可以跑通呢?
在 REQ-EXT-10101 处,可以将赋值语句修改为以下两种方式之一:
1. 使用大括号初始化整个结构体:
st2 = '{ {10'h1}, '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'h1} };
2. 逐个初始化结构体成员:
st2.st1.a = '{10'h1};
st2.st2[0].a = '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'h1};
st2.st2[1].a = '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'h1};
st2.st2[2].a = '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'h1};
module test;
typedef struct packed {
logic [9:-1][2:0] a; //REQ-EXT-10001, REQ-EXT-10004
} ST1;
typedef struct {
ST1 st1;
ST2 st2[2:0];
} ST2;
initial begin
ST2 st2;
// 使用大括号初始化整个结构体
st2 = '{ {10'h1}, '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'h1} };
$display("%p", st2); //CHECK-001: '{st1:'{a:'h1}, st2:"{'{a:'h1},'{a:'h0},'{a:'h1}}}
module test; typedef struct packed { logic [9:-1][2:0] a; ///REQ-EXT-10001, REQ-EXT-10004 } ST1; typedef struct packed { logic [2:0] b; } ST2; typedef struct { ST1 st1; ST2 st2[2:0]; }ST3; initial begin ST2 st2 ='{'{'{a:'h1, st1:'{'{b:'h2}}}, '{a:'h0, st1:'{'{b:'h1}}}, '{a:'h1,st1:'{'{b:h0}}}}; $display("%p", st2); end endmodule seems there is error with the initailization of st2, how should I modify the code so that it can be compiled successfully with vcs?
The initialization of st2 is incorrect. You can modify the code as follows to initialize st2 correctly:
ST2 st2[3] = '{'{3'h2}, '{3'h1}, '{3'h0}};
This initializes st2 as an array of three elements, each element being an instance of ST2 initialized with the values 3'h2, 3'h1, and 3'h0 respectively. Note that the '{' and '}' characters are used for concatenation of elements in the array.