ffmpeg rtsp TCP_ZeroWindow
时间: 2023-10-05 15:14:22 浏览: 87
TCP Zero Window is a situation when the TCP receiver's buffer is full, and it is unable to receive any more data. In the case of RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) streaming with ffmpeg, the TCP Zero Window error can occur when the receiving end is unable to keep up with the data rate of the stream.
To solve this issue, you can try the following solutions:
1. Increase the receiver's buffer size: You can try increasing the buffer size of the receiver to accommodate the data rate of the stream.
2. Reduce the data rate of the stream: You can try reducing the data rate of the stream to match the capacity of the receiver.
3. Use UDP instead of TCP: You can switch from TCP to UDP for RTSP streaming as UDP does not have a buffer, and it does not slow down when the receiver's buffer is full. However, UDP is not reliable as it does not guarantee delivery of packets.
4. Use a different protocol: You can try using a different protocol for RTSP streaming, such as HTTP or RTMP.
5. Upgrade the network infrastructure: You can upgrade the network infrastructure to ensure it can handle the data rate of the stream.