时间: 2023-10-13 21:19:03 浏览: 170
一个很好用的插件是CKEditor Word插件,它允许您在CKEditor中打开和编辑Word文件。您可以在GitHub上找到它的源代码和文档:
以下是使用CKEditor Word插件的步骤:
1. 下载CKEditor Word插件并将其解压缩到您的网站目录中的“plugins”文件夹中。
2. 在CKEditor配置文件中添加插件的路径和名称:
config.extraPlugins = 'wordimport';
3. 在需要打开Word文件的页面上,使用以下代码创建CKEditor实例:
CKEDITOR.replace('editor1', {
filebrowserBrowseUrl: '/path/to/wordimport/browse.php',
filebrowserUploadUrl: '/path/to/wordimport/upload.php'
请注意,此代码假定您已经将CKEditor Word插件的示例文件夹放置在您的网站根目录下的“path/to/wordimport”中。如果您将插件放置在不同的位置,请相应地更改文件路径。
4. 创建一个名为“browse.php”的文件,该文件将打开Word文件选择器,允许用户选择要打开的文件。以下是一个示例“browse.php”文件的代码:
* CKEditor Word Import Plugin Example
* This is a simple example of file browser script that can be used with CKEditor
* Word Import Plugin to browse for Word files on your server.
// Define the path to the Word files folder on your server
$word_files_folder = '/path/to/word/files';
// Get the list of Word files in the folder
$word_files = glob($word_files_folder . '/*.docx');
// Build the response array
$response = array();
foreach ($word_files as $word_file) {
$response[] = array(
'name' => basename($word_file),
'url' => $word_file
// Send the response as JSON
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($response);
5. 创建一个名为“upload.php”的文件,该文件将处理上传的Word文件并返回文件的URL。以下是一个示例“upload.php”文件的代码:
* CKEditor Word Import Plugin Example
* This is a simple example of file upload script that can be used with CKEditor
* Word Import Plugin to upload Word files to your server.
// Define the path to the Word files folder on your server
$word_files_folder = '/path/to/word/files';
// Check if the file was uploaded successfully
if (!isset($_FILES['upload']) || $_FILES['upload']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
die('Upload failed');
// Generate a unique file name
$filename = uniqid() . '.docx';
// Move the uploaded file to the Word files folder
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $word_files_folder . '/' . $filename);
// Return the URL of the uploaded file
echo '/path/to/word/files/' . $filename;
以上是使用CKEditor Word插件打开Word文件的一般步骤,您可以按照上述步骤进行操作。但请注意,此插件的使用需要您在服务器端进行一些设置和编程。