Windows embeddable package和windows installer的区别
时间: 2023-07-14 15:13:45 浏览: 1801
Windows embeddable package是一个轻量级的Python安装包,只包含了Python解释器和标准库,可以方便地嵌入到其他应用程序中,以便在应用程序中直接运行Python代码。它不包含任何外部依赖项或第三方库,因此其体积相对较小。
Windows installer是一个完整的Python安装包,包含Python解释器、标准库以及常用的第三方库和工具。它还包含了Windows下Python的所有依赖项,可以方便地在Windows系统中进行Python开发和运行Python程序。
总的来说,Windows embeddable package更适合嵌入到其他应用程序中使用,而Windows installer则更适合在Windows系统中进行Python开发和运行Python程序。
Windows embeddable package
### Windows Embedded Package Overview
Windows Embedded Packages provide specialized versions of Windows designed for specific industries or applications. These packages allow developers and system integrators to create tailored solutions that meet unique requirements while leveraging familiar tools and technologies[^1].
#### Installation Methods
Installation methods vary depending on the specific version of the embedded package being deployed:
- **Standard Installer**: Many Windows Embedded products come with standard installers which guide users through setup processes.
- **Image Deployment**: For large-scale deployments, creating a custom image using deployment tools like Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) or System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) is common practice.
To ensure compatibility and optimal performance during installation, it's important to review hardware prerequisites provided by official documentation before proceeding[^2].
#### Download Options
Official downloads for various editions of Windows Embedded are typically available via volume licensing programs or MSDN subscriptions. Public access may be limited based on product type but generally includes:
- **Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC)**: Provides authorized customers access to licensed software including certain types of Windows Embedded offerings.
- **MSDN Subscriptions**: Developers enrolled in MSDN receive access rights to numerous development resources along with select Windows Embedded SKUs.
For evaluation purposes, trial versions might occasionally become accessible directly from Microsoft’s website under promotional events or beta releases[^3].
# Example PowerShell script snippet showing how one could check installed updates within an environment post-installation
Get-HotFix | Where-Object { $_.InstalledOn -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)}
Windows embeddable package (64-bit)和Windows installer (64-bit)有什么区别
Windows embeddable package (64-bit)和Windows installer (64-bit)是两种不同的Python安装包。它们之间的区别如下:
1. Windows embeddable package (64-bit):这是一个轻量级的Python安装包,特别适用于嵌入式或便携式应用程序开发。它不包含图形界面安装程序,也不会添加Python到系统路径中。您可以将它解压到任何位置,并在需要时手动配置环境变量来使用Python解释器。
2. Windows installer (64-bit):这是一个完整的Python安装程序,包含了Python解释器、相关库以及图形界面安装程序。它会将Python添加到系统路径中,使您可以从任何位置直接运行Python。安装程序还会提供一些配置选项,如选择是否将Python添加到系统环境变量、安装位置等。
选择哪种安装包取决于您的具体需求。如果您需要一个独立的Python环境,或者希望手动控制Python的配置和路径设置,那么Windows embeddable package可能更合适。如果您希望快速安装一个完整的Python环境,并且不需要自定义配置,那么Windows installer可能更适合您。