SwingWorker 中文说明
时间: 2024-06-05 16:06:45 浏览: 154
SwingWorker 是一个用于在后台线程中执行长时间运行任务的类,同时提供了在事件分派线程中更新用户界面的方法。
SwingWorker 类提供了两个泛型参数:
- T:表示后台任务执行的结果类型。
- V:表示用于更新用户界面的值类型。
SwingWorker 类中最主要的方法是 doInBackground() 和 process()。
- doInBackground() 方法在后台线程中执行长时间运行的任务,该方法必须被实现。
- process() 方法在事件分派线程中更新用户界面,该方法可以被覆盖或不实现。
SwingWorker 类的使用流程如下:
1. 创建 SwingWorker 类的一个子类,并实现 doInBackground() 方法。
2. 在 doInBackground() 方法中执行长时间运行的任务,并返回结果。
3. 在需要更新用户界面的地方,调用 publish() 方法将需要更新的值传递给 process() 方法。
4. 在 process() 方法中更新用户界面。
5. 在事件分派线程中创建 SwingWorker 的实例,并调用 execute() 方法开始执行任务。
SwingWorker 还提供了一些其他方法,如 get() 方法用于获取 doInBackground() 方法返回的结果,cancel() 方法用于取消任务,等等。
总之,SwingWorker 是一个非常有用的类,可以帮助我们更好地实现用户界面和后台任务之间的交互。
SwingWorker is a class in the Java Swing library that allows long-running tasks to be executed asynchronously on a separate thread from the main thread of a Swing application. It was introduced in Java 1.6 as a replacement for the earlier SwingUtilities class, which did not provide a mechanism for handling long-running tasks.
SwingWorker provides a convenient way to perform time-consuming tasks in the background, while still allowing the user interface to remain responsive. It also provides a mechanism for reporting progress and results back to the user interface thread, allowing the user to monitor the progress of the task and interact with the application while the task is running.
SwingWorker is typically used to perform tasks such as network communication, file I/O, database queries, or any other operation that may take a significant amount of time to complete. By executing these tasks on a separate thread, the user interface remains responsive and the application remains interactive, even while the task is running.
Overall, SwingWorker is a powerful tool for building highly responsive Swing applications that can handle long-running tasks without sacrificing the user experience.
SwingWorker类是Java Swing库中的一个工具类,用于在后台执行耗时任务并更新UI界面。它提供了一个异步执行任务的框架,可以在后台线程中执行任务并在完成后更新Swing组件。