vhdl设计 系统不定时输出相同序列0010,间隔小于1.5ms,时钟clk1 clk2分别1ms 0.1mms输出一次,设计一个电路可以检测两次序列的输出时间间隔
时间: 2024-12-19 14:26:22 浏览: 13
1. **数据流处理**:
- 创建两个独立的计数器,Counter1基于时钟`clk1`每1毫秒增加,Counter2基于时钟`clk2`每0.1毫秒增加。
- 设定两个状态机,一个用于Counter1,另一个用于Counter2,它们都会检查序列0010是否已经输出。
2. **序列检测**:
- 使用D型触发器存储每个周期的序列状态(比如一个4位的二进制码表示0010)。
- 当序列变为0010时,记录当前时刻,并将状态设置为已读取。
3. **时间测量**:
- 计算Counter1和Counter2的当前值之差,这代表了从上次读取序列到当前的时钟周期数。由于Counter2的频率更高,这个差值乘以Counter2的时钟周期(0.1ms)会得到更精确的间隔。
4. **比较间隔**:
- 如果两次读取序列之间的计数值差大于150(因为0.1ms * 150 = 1.5ms),说明间隔小于1.5ms,此时触发输出间隔检测结果。
library IEEE;
entity seq_detector is
Port (
clk1 : in std_logic;
clk2 : in std_logic;
data_out : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
interval_detected : out std_logic
end seq_detector;
architecture Behavioral of seq_detector is
type counter_type is (COUNT1, COUNT2, IDLE);
signal current_counter : counter_type := IDLE;
signal last_sequence_time : time;
signal sequence_data : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
-- Counter for clk1 and clk2 with state machines
process(clk1, clk2)
if rising_edge(clk1) then
case current_counter is
when COUNT1 =>
-- logic to detect 0010 and advance to COUNT2
when COUNT2 =>
-- update sequence_data, compare with previous, reset on new sequence
-- check interval
if sequence_data = "0010" then
last_sequence_time <= current_time;
current_counter <= IDLE;
end if;
when IDLE =>
if rising_edge(clk2) then
current_counter <= COUNT1;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end process;
-- Detection logic
process(current_counter, last_sequence_time)
if current_counter = IDLE and sequence_data = "0010" then
-- Calculate interval and set output flag
if elapsed_time_since(last_sequence_time) < 1.5ms then
interval_detected <= '1';
interval_detected <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Data output
data_out <= sequence_data;
end Behavioral;