错误SyntaxError: The requested module '/public/three/editor/js/libs/ui.js' does not provide an export named 'UITable' 代码:const objectUUIDRenew = new UIButton('选择').setMarginLeft('7px').onClick(function () { objectUUID.setValue(dom.tableData[0].dataId); const popupPanel = new UIPanel().setWidth('300px').setHeight('200px').setBackgroundColor('#fff').setPosition('absolute').setLeft('50%').setTop('50%').setMarginLeft('-150px').setMarginTop('-100px').setBorder('1px solid #ccc'); const table = new UITable(3, 3); table.addCell(new UIText('列1')); table.addCell(new UIText('列2')); table.addCell(new UIText('列3')); table.addRow(['数据1', '数据2', '数据3']); table.addRow(['数据4', '数据5', '数据6']); table.addRow(['数据7', '数据8', '数据9']); popupPanel.add(table); container.dom.appendChild(popupPanel.dom); });
时间: 2023-09-20 16:09:21 浏览: 84
SyntaxError: The requested module /src/asstes/image/menu.png?import does not provide an export named menuUrl
This error message indicates that there is an issue with the syntax of the code or with the module import. The module specified in the code is not providing an export named "menuUrl", which the code is expecting.
To resolve this error, you can check the module code to ensure that it is exporting the correct variables or functions. You can also check the code that is importing the module to make sure it is referencing the correct export. Additionally, check for any typos or syntax errors in the code.
如何解决这个错误SyntaxError: The requested module '/utils/api.js' does not provide an export named 'prefix'
这个错误可能是因为在文件 '/utils/api.js' 中没有定义名称为 'prefix' 的导出。建议您检查一下该文件的代码,确保所有导出的名称都正确,并且没有拼写错误或语法错误。如果代码正确无误,您可以尝试检查导入该模块的文件并确保正确地引用了导出名称。如果问题仍然存在,您可以尝试升级相关的依赖库或者寻求其他开发者的帮助。