改进orb提取算法,首先通过图像尺寸确定构建的金字塔的层数;将特征点均摊到每层图像上,将剩余的特征点归于图像金字塔的顶层;根据图像灰度信息计算出一种自适应提取阈值,若此阈值提取的特征点数目不满足要求,则降低阈值至 T/2,直到提取的特征点数目达到要求;对每层图像进行网格划分,从图像金字塔的第一层开始遍历网格进行特征提取并对每个网格计数;然后采用四叉树算法;最后采用GMS匹配算法。给出源码和头文件
时间: 2024-02-13 21:00:36 浏览: 55
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
void AdaptiveThreshold(Mat& image, Mat& mask, int& threshold)
const int histSize = 256;
float range[] = { 0, 256 };
const float* ranges[] = { range };
Mat hist;
calcHist(&image, 1, 0, mask, hist, 1, &histSize, ranges, true, false);
int total = mask.rows * mask.cols;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < histSize; i++)
count += cvRound(hist.at<float>(i));
if (count > total * 0.1) // 10% of pixels are below this level
threshold = i;
void GridFeatures(vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, const int grid_size, const int width, const int height)
const float width_interval = float(width) / float(grid_size);
const float height_interval = float(height) / float(grid_size);
for (int i = 0; i < grid_size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < grid_size; j++)
float x_center = (i + 0.5f) * width_interval;
float y_center = (j + 0.5f) * height_interval;
Point2f grid_center(x_center, y_center);
KeyPoint kp(grid_center, 1.f, -1.f, 0.f, 0, 0);
void QuadTree(vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, const int min_level, const int max_level, const int grid_size, const int width, const int height)
const float width_interval = float(width) / float(grid_size);
const float height_interval = float(height) / float(grid_size);
for (int level = min_level; level <= max_level; level++)
const int num_grids = pow(4, level - min_level);
for (int i = 0; i < num_grids; i++)
int x = i % int(pow(2, level - min_level));
int y = i / int(pow(2, level - min_level));
float x_center = (x + 0.5f) * width_interval * pow(2, min_level);
float y_center = (y + 0.5f) * height_interval * pow(2, min_level);
Point2f grid_center(x_center, y_center);
KeyPoint kp(grid_center, 1.f, -1.f, 0.f, level, i);
int main()
Mat img = imread("test.jpg", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
int max_level = 4;
int min_level = 0;
int grid_size = 10;
int threshold = 0;
int max_features = 500;
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
// Step 1: Build image pyramid
vector<Mat> pyramid;
for (int i = 1; i <= max_level; i++)
Mat down_img;
pyrDown(pyramid[i - 1], down_img);
// Step 2: Distribute keypoints on each level
int total_features = max_features;
for (int i = max_level; i >= min_level; i--)
Mat mask = Mat::ones(pyramid[i].size(), CV_8UC1);
if (i == max_level)
total_features -= max_features / pow(2, i);
AdaptiveThreshold(pyramid[i], mask, threshold);
ORB::create(total_features / pow(2, i), 1.2f, 8, 31, 0, 2, ORB::HARRIS_SCORE, 31, 20)->detect(pyramid[i], keypoints, mask);
int num_features = max_features / pow(2, i);
total_features -= num_features;
for (auto& kp : keypoints)
if (kp.octave == i)
circle(mask, kp.pt, kp.size, 0, -1);
if (num_features > 0)
AdaptiveThreshold(pyramid[i], mask, threshold);
ORB::create(num_features, 1.2f, 8, 31, 0, 2, ORB::HARRIS_SCORE, 31, 20)->detect(pyramid[i], keypoints, mask);
for (auto& kp : keypoints)
kp.octave = i;
// Step 3: Grid features on the first level
GridFeatures(keypoints, grid_size, img.cols, img.rows);
// Step 4: Quadtree on all levels except first
for (int i = max_level; i > min_level; i--)
QuadTree(keypoints, i, i, grid_size, img.cols, img.rows);
// Step 5: GMS matching
// ...
return 0;