某城市出租车收费标准如下: 起步里程为3公里,起步费10元; 超起步里程后10公里内(含10公里),每公里2元; 超过10公里以上的部分加收50%的回空补贴费,即每公里3元; 营运过程中,因路阻或乘客要求临时停车的,按每5分钟2元计收费(不足5分钟则不收费)。 编写程序,输入里程和停车时间,计算车费。
时间: 2023-05-29 07:03:24 浏览: 161
Null is a term used in computer programming and databases to represent a value that is absent or undefined. It is often used to indicate that a variable or field does not have a value assigned to it, or that a query or calculation did not produce a result. Null is also sometimes referred to as "nothing" or "empty." In some programming languages, null is represented by a special keyword or symbol, such as "null," "nil," or a zero-length string.