GET http://localhost:3000/assets/css/zTreeStyle.css net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
时间: 2023-10-06 15:12:52 浏览: 177
This error message indicates that the browser is unable to locate the "zTreeStyle.css" file in the specified directory on the local server (localhost:3000). There are a few possible reasons for this error:
1. The file may not exist in the specified directory.
2. The file may have been moved or deleted.
3. There may be a typo in the file name or directory path.
4. The server may not have the necessary permissions to access the file.
To resolve this error, check that the "zTreeStyle.css" file exists in the specified directory and that the file name and directory path are correct. Also, ensure that the server has the necessary permissions to access the file.