ERROR at //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:115:21: Script returned non-zero exit code.
时间: 2023-09-29 09:07:45 浏览: 202
This error message indicates that there was an error in the configuration file for an iOS software development kit (SDK) and a script returned a non-zero exit code, indicating that there was an issue with the script. This could be caused by a variety of factors, such as an incorrect path or a missing dependency. To troubleshoot this error, you may need to review the configuration file and check the script for any errors or missing components.
KeyError: 'WINDOWSSDKDIR' ERROR at //build/config/win/visual_studio_version.gni:27:7: Script returned non-zero exit code.
This error occurs when the script is unable to find the value of the environment variable "WINDOWSSDKDIR". To resolve this error, you can try the following steps:
1. Check if the environment variable "WINDOWSSDKDIR" is set on your system. You can do this by opening the command prompt and typing "echo %WINDOWSSDKDIR%". If the variable is not set, you can set it by following the instructions provided by Microsoft for your version of Windows.
2. If the variable is set, make sure it points to the correct directory. You can check this by navigating to the directory specified in the variable and verifying that it contains the necessary files.
3. If you are using a build system like Bazel or GN, make sure that the variable is set in the correct scope. For example, if you are using a build script that runs in a Docker container, you may need to set the variable in the Dockerfile.
4. If none of the above steps work, you can try reinstalling the Windows SDK and making sure that the environment variable is set correctly during installation.
If you still cannot resolve the issue, it may be helpful to consult the documentation for the specific build system or tool that you are using, or seek help from the community forums or support channels.
解读下列编译报错:[OHOS INFO] ERROR at //build/templates/cxx/cxx.gni:242:7: Script returned non-zero exit code. [OHOS INFO] exec_script(external_deps_script, arguments) [OHOS INFO] ^---------- [OHOS INFO] Current dir: /home/huangjianli/kh3.2/out/khdvk_rk3568_a/ [OHOS INFO] Command: /usr/bin/env /home/huangjianli/kh3.2/build/templates/common/ --external-deps eventhandler:libeventhandler ces_standard:cesfwk_innerkits hiviewdfx_hilog_native:libhilog --parts-src-flag-file build_configs/parts_src_flag.json --external-deps-temp-file gen/kaihong/communication/kh_iotsdk/src/bonding/kh_iotsdk__bondingtest_external_deps_temp.json --sdk-base-dir ../../sdk/ohos-arm --sdk-dir-name sdk/ohos-arm --current-toolchain //build/toolchain/ohos:ohos_clang_arm --innerkits-adapter-info-file ../../build/ohos/inner_kits_adapter.json [OHOS INFO] Returned 1 and printed out: [OHOS INFO] [OHOS INFO] file '../../sdk/ohos-arm/ces_standard/sdk_info.json' doesn't exist. [OHOS INFO] [OHOS INFO] stderr: [OHOS INFO] [OHOS INFO] Traceback (most recent call last): [OHOS INFO] File "/home/huangjianli/kh3.2/build/templates/common/", line 248, in <module> [OHOS INFO] sys.exit(main()) [OHOS INFO] File "/home/huangjianli/kh3.2/build/templates/common/", line 214, in main [OHOS INFO] sdk_module_info, adapted_ok = _get_external_module_from_sdk( [OHOS INFO] File "/home/huangjianli/kh3.2/build/templates/common/", line 73, in _get_external_module_from_sdk [OHOS INFO] raise Exception("part '{}' doesn't exist in sdk modules.".format( [OHOS INFO] Exception: part 'ces_standard' doesn't exist in sdk modules. [OHOS INFO] [OHOS INFO] See //kaihong/communication/kh_iotsdk/src/bonding/ whence it was called. [OHOS INFO] ohos_executable("bondingtest") { [OHOS INFO] ^------------------------------- [OHOS INFO] See //kaihong/communication/kh_iotsdk/ which caused the file to be included. [OHOS INFO] "//kaihong/communication/kh_iotsdk/src/bonding:bondingtest", [OHOS INFO] ^----------------------------------------------------------
这段编译报错是在进行华为开发者系统(OHOS)的编译过程中出现的。报错信息显示在编译 //kaihong/communication/kh_iotsdk/src/bonding/ 文件时,执行了 脚本,其中 ces_standard 部分没有在 OHOS 的 SDK 模块中找到,导致脚本执行失败。建议检查相关的 SDK 模块是否正确安装,或者在对应的 文件中修改依赖关系。