unexpected token expected","(1:26)
时间: 2023-12-10 09:03:43 浏览: 211
This error message is indicating that there is a syntax error in the code and that the program expected to find a comma at a particular location in the code, but instead found something else.
The exact location of the error is indicated in the message by the numbers in parentheses. In this case, the error is on line 1, character 26 (i.e. the 26th character on the first line of the code).
To fix this error, you should review the code and ensure that all commas are used correctly and in the appropriate places.
ESLint: Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected "{" (72:26)
对于你提到的错误信息 "Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected "{" (72:26)",这通常表示在代码的第72行第26列附近存在一个意外的标记或语法错误。这可能是由于缺少大括号、拼写错误、缺少分号等引起的。
Syntax Error: Unexpected token, expected "{" (1:339)
在你提供的引用中,第一个问题是关于编译过程中出现的"Unexpected token c in JSON at position 0"错误。这通常是由于JavaScript中的JSON解析失败导致的。解决方法是添加一个判断字符串是否为JSON格式的函数,并在使用之前先进行判断。
第二个问题是关于在index.html中引入一个使用ES6模块语法的JavaScript文件时出现的报错。错误信息为"Syntax Error: Unexpected token, expected "{" (1:339)"。这个错误通常是因为浏览器不直接支持ES6的模块语法,需要在script标签中添加type="module"以告诉浏览器应该以模块的方式进行加载。