Unknown column 'counts' in 'where clause'
时间: 2024-01-24 18:02:50 浏览: 138
This error message typically appears when a SQL query is attempting to filter or manipulate data using a column that does not exist in the specified table or view.
For example, if a query includes a WHERE clause that references a column called "counts" but there is no such column in the table being queried, the database system will return the "unknown column 'counts' in 'where clause'" error message.
To resolve this issue, check your query and make sure that all column names and table/view names are spelled correctly and are valid. If you are using aliases or calculated fields, ensure that they are properly defined and referenced.
counts = {} for num in nums: if num in counts: counts[num] += 1 else: counts[num] = 1
这段代码的作用是统计列表 nums 中每个元素出现的次数,并将结果存储在字典 counts 中。如果 num 已经在 counts 中出现过,则将其对应的值加 1,否则将其添加到 counts 中并将其值设为 1。
def distribution1(column): x = shuju[column].value_counts().index y = shuju[column].value_counts().values plt.bar(x,y,width=shuju[column].nunique()*0.2) plt.xlabel(column) plt.figure(figsize=(15,3.5)) shuju = data2[['charging_status','dcdc_stat']] for i in range(0,4): plt.subplot(1,4,i+1) distribution1(shuju.columns[i]) plt.show()