我想用google earth engine 提取2010年、2015年以及2019年山西省县区的绿化面积 帮我写一段代码
时间: 2023-10-11 22:08:15 浏览: 99
好的,以下是可以用来提取2010年、2015年和2019年山西省县区绿化面积的Google Earth Engine代码:
// Load the boundary of Shanxi province
var shanxi = ee.FeatureCollection("users/yourusername/shanxi_boundary");
// Load the county boundaries of Shanxi province
var counties = ee.FeatureCollection("users/yourusername/shanxi_counties");
// Load the MODIS Land Cover dataset
var modis_lc = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD12Q1');
// Filter MODIS Land Cover to years 2010, 2015, and 2019
var lc_2010 = modis_lc.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(2010,2010,'year')).select('LC_Type1');
var lc_2015 = modis_lc.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(2015,2015,'year')).select('LC_Type1');
var lc_2019 = modis_lc.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(2019,2019,'year')).select('LC_Type1');
// Define a function to calculate the area of each land cover type within each county
var calculate_area = function(image){
// Calculate the area of each land cover type within each county
var area_by_county = image.addBands(ee.Image.pixelArea())
collection: counties,
reducer: ee.Reducer.sum().group(1),
scale: 500,
// Flatten the output and add the year as a property
return area_by_county.flatten().set('year', image.date().format('yyyy'));
// Apply the calculate_area function to each MODIS Land Cover image
var area_2010 = calculate_area(lc_2010);
var area_2015 = calculate_area(lc_2015);
var area_2019 = calculate_area(lc_2019);
// Merge the area calculations for all years into a single FeatureCollection
var area_all_years = ee.FeatureCollection([area_2010, area_2015, area_2019]);
// Filter the FeatureCollection to only include rows with valid area values
var area_valid = area_all_years.filter(ee.Filter.notNull(['sum']));
// Join the area calculations with the county boundaries
var joined = counties.filterBounds(shanxi).map(function(f){
return f.setMulti(area_valid.filterBounds(f.geometry()).first().toDictionary());
// Display the results
Map.addLayer(joined, {}, 'County Boundaries');
Map.addLayer(joined.select(['sum', 'year']), {min: 0, max: 1000000}, 'Green Area');
在这段代码中,我们首先加载了山西省的边界和县区边界的FeatureCollection。然后,我们加载了MODIS Land Cover数据集,并将其筛选为2010年、2015年和2019年的图像。接下来,我们定义了一个calculate_area函数,用于计算每个县区内每种土地覆盖类型的面积。我们将该函数应用于每个MODIS Land Cover图像,并将结果合并为一个FeatureCollection。最后,我们将结果与县区边界进行联接,并将其在地图上可视化。
请注意,您需要将代码中的“yourusername”替换为您的Google Earth Engine用户名。此外,您还需要确保已经在Earth Engine中具有访问MODIS Land Cover、县区边界和山西省边界的权限。