mode lacp max active-linknumber 2 trunkport gig 0/0/1 to 0/0/3
时间: 2024-05-27 15:10:48 浏览: 194
This configuration command is used to enable Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) on a switch and create a trunk port with a maximum of two active links between Gigabit Ethernet ports 0/0/1 to 0/0/3. LACP is a protocol that allows multiple physical links between two devices to be combined into a single logical link, increasing overall bandwidth and providing redundancy in case of link failure. The "max active-linknumber 2" part of the command specifies that only two of the available links will be active at any given time.
如何将FastEthernet 0/1和FastEthernet 0/2配置成PortChannel 1
您可以按照以下步骤将FastEthernet 0/1和FastEthernet 0/2配置成PortChannel 1:
1. 进入全局配置模式:conf t
2. 创建一个PortChannel 1:interface PortChannel 1
3. 配置PortChannel 1的描述信息:description <description>
4. 配置PortChannel 1的协议类型:switchport mode <access/trunk>
5. 配置PortChannel 1的访问或者中继VLAN:switchport <access/trunk> vlan <vlan-id>
6. 配置PortChannel 1的链路聚合控制协议(LACP)模式:channel-group 1 mode <active/passive>
7. 配置PortChannel 1的链路聚合控制协议(LACP)端口优先级:channel-group 1 priority <priority>
8. 进入FastEthernet 0/1的配置模式:interface FastEthernet 0/1
9. 配置FastEthernet 0/1的链路聚合控制协议(LACP)模式:channel-group 1 mode <active/passive>
10. 配置FastEthernet 0/1的链路聚合控制协议(LACP)端口优先级:channel-group 1 priority <priority>
11. 退出接口配置模式:exit
12. 进入FastEthernet 0/2的配置模式:interface FastEthernet 0/2
13. 配置FastEthernet 0/2的链路聚合控制协议(LACP)模式:channel-group 1 mode <active/passive>
14. 配置FastEthernet 0/2的链路聚合控制协议(LACP)端口优先级:channel-group 1 priority <priority>
15. 退出接口配置模式:exit
16. 保存配置:wr
1. **确认端口状态**:首先需要检查这两个端口是否启用并设置为了聚合模式,如LACP。
2. **创建聚合组**:配置LACP或静态负载均衡策略(例如在Cisco IOS设备上使用`channel-group`命令)将Gi0/47和Gi0/48加入到同一个聚合组。
interface gi0/47
channel-group 1 mode lacp
no shutdown
interface gi0/48
channel-group 1 mode lacp
no shutdown
3. **共享IP地址**:为整个聚合组分配一个IP地址,而不是直接分配给每个端口。这可以避免IP冲突,并通过聚合组实现带宽共享。
interface lacp-channel 1
ip address <IP_address> <subnet_mask>
no shutdown
4. **配置默认网关**:如果需要,还需要在聚合组的接口下配置默认网关。
5. **验证配置**:最后使用ping测试或者其他网络诊断工具验证连接是否正常。