Duplicate key 'methods' no-dupe-keys
时间: 2023-11-10 14:38:49 浏览: 279
This error message is related to a JavaScript object that contains multiple properties with the same name. In this case, the error message is specifically referring to a property named "methods" being duplicated within the object.
To fix this error, you need to ensure that each property in the object has a unique name. In the case of "methods", you may need to rename one of the properties to something else, or combine the functionality of both properties into one.
The "no-dupe-keys" rule is a part of ESLint, a popular JavaScript linter. It is designed to help developers catch mistakes like this before they cause issues at runtime.
Duplicated key 'favoriteCount' vue/no-dupe-keys
This warning message is from Vue.js and it indicates that the same key has been used multiple times in a Vue.js template. Each element in a Vue.js template should have a unique key attribute.
To fix this warning, you need to go through your Vue.js template and make sure that each element has a unique key attribute. If you have multiple elements with the same key attribute, you can either remove the duplicates or make the key attribute unique by appending a unique identifier to it.
For example, if you have two elements with the key attribute "favoriteCount", you can rename them to "favoriteCount1" and "favoriteCount2" to make them unique.
Once you have fixed the duplicate key issue, the warning message should disappear.
org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException: com.deyou.mapper.ArticleTagMapper.updateById (batch index #1) failed. Cause: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'sg_article_tag.PRIMARY' ; Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'sg_article_tag.PRIMARY'; nested exception is java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'sg_article_tag.PRIMARY'
这个异常表示在执行 MyBatis 的批量操作过程中,出现了主键冲突的情况,原因是插入或更新数据时出现了重复的主键值。
根据异常信息,可以看到是 `sg_article_tag.PRIMARY` 这个主键出现了重复值 `1-1`,因此需要检查一下数据表中 `sg_article_tag` 表的主键设置是否正确,以及在进行插入或更新操作时,是否有重复的主键值出现。
如果是在插入操作时出现了主键冲突,可以考虑使用 MyBatis 的 `insertIgnore` 或 `insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate` 方法来避免重复插入数据;如果是在更新操作时出现了主键冲突,则需要检查一下数据表中是否存在重复的主键值,或者调整更新操作的逻辑,避免出现主键冲突的情况。