改为深色模式,白色线条和字体,图标条形要更清晰可见option = { backgroundColor: '#000', title: { top:5, left:8, textStyle:{ color:'#ccc' }, text: 'The number of subscribers in each category' }, legend: { bottom:0, }, tooltip: {}, grid: { containLabel: true, left: '0.5%', right: '8%', top: '10%', bottom: '8%', }, xAxis: { type: 'value', boundaryGap: [0, 0.01], textStyle:{ color:'#ccc' } }, yAxis: { type: 'category', axisLabel:{ interval:0, rotate:30, textStyle:{ color:'#ccc' } }, data: ['Comedy','Education','Entertainment','Film & Animation','Gaming', 'Howto & Style','Music','News & Politics','People & Blogs','Shows','Sports'] }, series: [ { name: 'Subscribers', type: 'bar', stack: 'Total', label: { show: false }, emphasis: { focus: 'series' }, data: [1256400000, 1133600000, 4723600000, 1275200000, 1859400000, 769200000, 5224800000, 519300000, 2545800000, 516700000, 273600000], itemStyle:{ color: function(params) { var categoryColors = ['#0072C6', '#00B7C0', '#3EB650', '#64BEDE', '#73A618', '#9CC900', '#C69C00']; return categoryColors[params.dataIndex % categoryColors.length]; } } } ] };
时间: 2024-02-14 13:16:02 浏览: 167
option = {
backgroundColor: '#000',
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textStyle: {
color: '#ccc'
text: 'The number of subscribers in each category'
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yAxis: {
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data: ['Comedy', 'Education', 'Entertainment', 'Film & Animation', 'Gaming', 'Howto & Style', 'Music', 'News & Politics', 'People & Blogs', 'Shows', 'Sports']
series: [{
name: 'Subscribers',
type: 'bar',
stack: 'Total',
label: {
show: false
emphasis: {
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data: [1256400000, 1133600000, 4723600000, 1275200000, 1859400000, 769200000, 5224800000, 519300000, 2545800000, 516700000, 273600000],
itemStyle: {
color: function(params) {
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