R语言Error in render("Final_exam.Rmd", output_format = "html_document") : could not find function "render"
时间: 2023-07-19 18:43:33 浏览: 113
def write_output(self, template, output_dir, filename, **kwargs): """ Writes the content of a template render to a file unless the command line options to only list files is set. Then it registers what file would have been written. """ def include_guard(relative_file_path): result = relative_file_path.replace(os.sep, "_") result = relative_file_path.replace(os.sep, "_") result = result.replace(".", "_") result = result.replace("-", "_") result = result.replace(":", "") return result relative_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) output_dir_absolute = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_dir)) full_path = pathlib.Path(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(relative_file_path))) if self._should_generate(): # print("Generating "+str(relative_file_path)) try: pathlib.Path(output_dir_absolute).mkdir(parents=True) except: pass include_guard_str = include_guard(relative_file_path) kwargs["header_base"] = include_guard_str kwargs["isHasCopyRightInfo"] = True output = Generator._load_template_engine().render(template, kwargs) # output = Generator._load_template_engine().render(template, header_base=include_guard_str) with full_path.open('w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(output) else: # print("Not re-generating, because it already exists: {}".format(full_path)) pass
这是一个 Python 函数,用于将渲染模板的内容写入文件。它接受模板、输出目录、文件名和其他关键字参数作为输入。在函数中,首先使用 include_guard() 函数生成一个包含相对路径的文件名,然后使用 pathlib 库检查文件是否存在并创建输出目录。如果文件不存在或需要重新生成,就使用模板引擎 (Generator._load_template_engine()) 渲染模板并将内容写入文件。如果文件已经存在且不需要重新生成,则跳过写入步骤。
def display_screen(action, points, input_t): # Function used to render the game screen # Get the last rendered frame global last_frame_time print("Action %s, Points: %d" % (translate_action[action], points)) # Only display the game screen if the game is not over if ("End" not in translate_action[action]): # Render the game with matplotlib plt.imshow(input_t.reshape((grid_size,) * 2), interpolation='none', cmap='gray') # Clear whatever we rendered before display.clear_output(wait=True) # And display the rendering display.display(plt.gcf()) # Update the last frame time last_frame_time = set_max_fps(last_frame_time)写成pycharm课运行的
1. 需要导入`matplotlib`和`IPython.display`库:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython import display
2. 需要将`input_t`转换为`numpy`数组类型:
import numpy as np
# 将 input_t 转换为 numpy 数组类型
input_t = np.array(input_t)
3. 在循环中调用`display_screen()`函数时,需要加入`plt.clf()`来清除之前的绘图:
while not done:
# ...
display_screen(action, points, observation)
plt.clf() # 清除之前的绘图
# ...
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython import display
def display_screen(action, points, input_t):
# Function used to render the game screen
# Get the last rendered frame
global last_frame_time
print("Action %s, Points: %d" % (translate_action[action], points))
# Only display the game screen if the game is not over
if ("End" not in translate_action[action]):
# Convert input_t to numpy array type
input_t = np.array(input_t)
# Render the game with matplotlib
plt.imshow(input_t.reshape((grid_size,) * 2),
interpolation='none', cmap='gray')
# Clear whatever we rendered before
# And display the rendering
# Update the last frame time
last_frame_time = set_max_fps(last_frame_time)
# 在循环中调用 display_screen() 函数时需要加入 plt.clf() 来清除之前的绘图
while not done:
# ...
display_screen(action, points, observation)
plt.clf() # 清除之前的绘图
# ...