export function devList(data) { return request({ url: '/xDevSlaves/list', method: 'post', data: data }) }
时间: 2023-08-08 09:10:40 浏览: 178
这是一个使用了导出语法的 JavaScript 函数 `devList`。该函数接受一个参数 `data`,用于传递需要发送的数据。函数内部使用 `request` 方法发起一个 POST 请求,请求地址为 '/xDevSlaves/list',参数通过 `data` 选项传递。
类似于之前提到的 `request` 方法,`devList` 函数中的 `request` 方法可能是一个自定义的网络请求方法。如需了解更多关于该方法的实现细节,请参考相关代码或文档。
Qt creator 判断结构体原始数据和修改后数据是否有变动(是否修改或者成员变动),展示完整示例代码。结构体如下:struct T_cjChannelList{ QString name; QString desc; int comType; int interFrameDelay; QString portName; int baudRate; int dataBits; int stopBits; QString parity; QString ip; QString port;}struct T_devList_datapoints{ QString dataId; QString dataDesc; int funcode; int registerAddr; int dataType; int appType; int bit; QString byteOder; QString crcOder; float coef; int calB; }struct T_Devs{ QString devName; QString devDesc; int devAddr; int protocolType; int delayTime; QList<T_devList_datapoints> dataPoints;}struct T_devList{ String channel; QLsit<T_Dev> devs;}struct T_zf_dataPoints{ QString pointId; QString channelId; QString devID; QString dataId; float coef; int calB;}struct T_zfChannelList{ QString name; QString desc; int comType; QString topic; int delayTime; QList<T_zf_dataPoints> dataPoints;}struct Cfg_t{ QList<T_cjChannelList> cjChannelList; QList<T_devList> devList; QList<T_zfChannelList> zfChannelList;}
#include <QDebug>
#include <QList>
struct T_cjChannelList {
QString name;
QString desc;
int comType;
int interFrameDelay;
QString portName;
int baudRate;
int dataBits;
int stopBits;
QString parity;
QString ip;
QString port;
bool operator==(const T_cjChannelList& other) const {
return (name == other.name && desc == other.desc && comType == other.comType &&
interFrameDelay == other.interFrameDelay && portName == other.portName &&
baudRate == other.baudRate && dataBits == other.dataBits &&
stopBits == other.stopBits && parity == other.parity && ip == other.ip &&
port == other.port);
struct T_devList_datapoints {
QString dataId;
QString dataDesc;
int funcode;
int registerAddr;
int dataType;
int appType;
int bit;
QString byteOder;
QString crcOder;
float coef;
int calB;
bool operator==(const T_devList_datapoints& other) const {
return (dataId == other.dataId && dataDesc == other.dataDesc && funcode == other.funcode &&
registerAddr == other.registerAddr && dataType == other.dataType &&
appType == other.appType && bit == other.bit && byteOder == other.byteOder &&
crcOder == other.crcOder && coef == other.coef && calB == other.calB);
struct T_Devs {
QString devName;
QString devDesc;
int devAddr;
int protocolType;
int delayTime;
QList<T_devList_datapoints> dataPoints;
bool operator==(const T_Devs& other) const {
if (devName != other.devName || devDesc != other.devDesc || devAddr != other.devAddr ||
protocolType != other.protocolType || delayTime != other.delayTime ||
dataPoints.size() != other.dataPoints.size()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < dataPoints.size(); i++) {
if (dataPoints[i] != other.dataPoints[i]) {
return false;
return true;
struct T_devList {
QString channel;
QList<T_Devs> devs;
bool operator==(const T_devList& other) const {
if (channel != other.channel || devs.size() != other.devs.size()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < devs.size(); i++) {
if (devs[i] != other.devs[i]) {
return false;
return true;
struct T_zf_dataPoints {
QString pointId;
QString channelId;
QString devID;
QString dataId;
float coef;
int calB;
bool operator==(const T_zf_dataPoints& other) const {
return (pointId == other.pointId && channelId == other.channelId && devID == other.devID &&
dataId == other.dataId && coef == other.coef && calB == other.calB);
struct T_zfChannelList {
QString name;
QString desc;
int comType;
QString topic;
int delayTime;
QList<T_zf_dataPoints> dataPoints;
bool operator==(const T_zfChannelList& other) const {
if (name != other.name || desc != other.desc || comType != other.comType ||
topic != other.topic || delayTime != other.delayTime ||
dataPoints.size() != other.dataPoints.size()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < dataPoints.size(); i++) {
if (dataPoints[i] != other.dataPoints[i]) {
return false;
return true;
struct Cfg_t {
QList<T_cjChannelList> cjChannelList;
QList<T_devList> devList;
QList<T_zfChannelList> zfChannelList;
bool operator==(const Cfg_t& other) const {
if (cjChannelList.size() != other.cjChannelList.size() ||
devList.size() != other.devList.size() ||
zfChannelList.size() != other.zfChannelList.size()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < cjChannelList.size(); i++) {
if (cjChannelList[i] != other.cjChannelList[i]) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < devList.size(); i++) {
if (devList[i] != other.devList[i]) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < zfChannelList.size(); i++) {
if (zfChannelList[i] != other.zfChannelList[i]) {
return false;
return true;
int main() {
Cfg_t original = {
{ {"name1", "desc1", 1, 100, "port1", 9600, 8, 1, "N", "", "1001"},
{"name2", "desc2", 2, 200, "port2", 115200, 7, 2, "O", "", "1002"} },
{ {"channel1", { {"devName1", "devDesc1", 1, 1, 1, { {"dataId1", "dataDesc1", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "MSB", "CRC16", 1.0, 1} } } } },
{"channel2", { {"devName2", "devDesc2", 2, 2, 2, { {"dataId2", "dataDesc2", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, "LSB", "CRC32", 2.0, 2} } } } } },
{ {"name3", "desc3", 3, "topic1", 300, { {"pointId1", "channelId1", "devID1", "dataId1", 3.0, 3} } },
{"name4", "desc4", 4, "topic2", 400, { {"pointId2", "channelId2", "devID2", "dataId2", 4.0, 4} } } }
Cfg_t modified = {
{ {"name1", "desc1", 1, 100, "port1", 9600, 8, 1, "N", "", "1001"},
{"name2", "desc2", 2, 200, "port2", 115200, 7, 2, "O", "", "1002"} },
{ {"channel1", { {"devName1", "devDesc1", 1, 1, 1, { {"dataId1", "dataDesc1", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "MSB", "CRC16", 1.0, 1} } } } },
{"channel2", { {"devName2", "devDesc2", 2, 2, 2, { {"dataId2", "dataDesc2", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, "LSB", "CRC32", 2.0, 2} } } } } },
{ {"name3", "desc3", 3, "topic1", 300, { {"pointId1", "channelId1", "devID1", "dataId1", 3.0, 3} } },
{"name4", "desc4", 4, "topic2", 400, { {"pointId2", "channelId2", "devID2", "dataId2", 4.0, 4} } } }
qDebug() << "Original and modified are equal: " << (original == modified);
modified.cjChannelList[0].name = "name5";
qDebug() << "Original and modified are equal: " << (original == modified);
modified.devList[0].channel = "channel3";
qDebug() << "Original and modified are equal: " << (original == modified);
modified.zfChannelList[0].dataPoints[0].pointId = "pointId3";
qDebug() << "Original and modified are equal: " << (original == modified);
return 0;
在上面的示例代码中,我们定义了多个嵌套结构体,包括 `T_cjChannelList`、`T_devList_datapoints`、`T_Devs`、`T_devList`、`T_zf_dataPoints`、`T_zfChannelList` 和 `Cfg_t`。在每个结构体中,我们都重载了比较运算符 `operator==`。在 `operator==` 中,我们逐个比较结构体中的成员变量是否相等。对于嵌套的结构体,我们可以递归比较其中的元素是否相同。如果结构体原始数据和修改后数据不同,我们返回 `false`。否则,我们返回 `true`。
在 `main` 函数中,我们首先定义了一个名为 `original` 的 `Cfg_t` 结构体并初始化它。然后,我们定义了一个名为 `modified` 的 `Cfg_t` 结构体,并将其中一个成员变量的值修改为不同的值。我们使用 `qDebug` 打印出 `original` 和 `modified` 是否相等的结果。由于 `modified` 结构体与 `original` 结构体不相等,因此第一次打印的结果为 `false`。然后,我们将 `modified` 结构体的值改回与 `original` 结构体相同,并再次打印两者是否相等的结果,此时结果为 `true`。最后,我们将 `modified` 结构体中的一个成员变量的值修改为不同的值,并再次打印两者是否相等的结果,此时结果为 `false`。
- `subtype`: 类型标识符,值为11可能代表某种特定类型。
- `devid`: 设备ID,可能用于唯一标识这个设备。
- `regid`: 注册ID,可能是系统注册时分配的标识。
- `name`: 设备名称,用于描述或识别这个设备。
1. 如何遍历这样的设备列表并提取信息?
2. 在软件开发中,这类数据通常用来做什么?
3. 如果`subtype`有多种可能值,如何根据不同的值做相应的操作?