matlab moran
时间: 2023-10-28 15:04:51 浏览: 156
Moran's I is a spatial autocorrelation statistic that measures the degree of spatial clustering in a set of spatial data. In MATLAB, the `moran` function can be used to calculate Moran's I.
The basic syntax for using the `moran` function is:
I = moran(x, W)
where `x` is a vector of spatial data and `W` is a spatial weight matrix. The spatial weight matrix represents the spatial relationships between the observations in `x`. The `moran` function returns the value of Moran's I, which ranges from -1 to 1. A value of 1 indicates perfect spatial clustering, a value of 0 indicates no spatial clustering, and a value of -1 indicates perfect spatial dispersion.
Here is an example of using the `moran` function to calculate Moran's I for a set of spatial data:
load census.mat
I = moran(census, W);
In this example, `census` is a vector of census data and `W` is a spatial weight matrix that represents the spatial relationships between the census tracts. The `moran` function calculates the value of Moran's I for this data and returns it as the variable `I`.