# 将持仓信息转变成dataframe格式 positions_df = pd.DataFrame(account_info['positions'], dtype=float) positions_df = positions_df.set_index('symbol') # 筛选交易的币对 positions_df = positions_df[positions_df.index.isin(symbol_config.keys())] # 将账户信息转变成dataframe格式 assets_df = pd.DataFrame(account_info['assets'], dtype=float) assets_df = assets_df.set_index('asset')
时间: 2024-02-01 09:12:56 浏览: 75
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\sp-布林15m\Function.py:203: FutureWarning: Could not cast to float64, falling back to object. This behavior is deprecated. In a future version, when a dtype is passed to 'DataFrame', either all columns will be cast to that dtype, or a TypeError will be raised. positions_df = pd.DataFrame(account_info['positions'], dtype=float) C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\sp-布林15m\Function.py:208: FutureWarning: Could not cast to float64, falling back to object. This behavior is deprecated. In a future version, when a dtype is passed to 'DataFrame', either all columns will be cast to that dtype, or a TypeError will be raised. assets_df = pd.DataFrame(account_info['assets'], dtype=float)这个问题应该怎么解决
positions_df = pd.DataFrame(account_info['positions'])
positions_df = positions_df.astype(float)
assets_df = pd.DataFrame(account_info['assets'])
assets_df = assets_df.astype(float)
FutureWarning: Could not cast to float64, falling back to object. This behavior is deprecated. In a future version, when a dtype is passed to 'DataFrame', either all columns will be cast to that dtype, or a TypeError will be raised. assets_df = pd.DataFrame(account_info['assets'], dtype=float)这个错应该怎么解决
这个警告是因为在创建 DataFrame 时,其中的数据类型无法被转换为 float64,因此 pandas 会将其转换为 object 类型。但是在未来的版本中,如果指定了 dtype,那么所有列都将强制转换为指定的数据类型,或者会报错。
如果你想要将 DataFrame 中的所有列都转换为 float64 类型,可以使用以下代码:
assets_df = pd.DataFrame(account_info['assets'], dtype=np.float64)
如果你只想将其中某些列转换为 float64 类型,可以使用以下代码:
assets_df = pd.DataFrame(account_info['assets'])
assets_df[['column1', 'column2']] = assets_df[['column1', 'column2']].astype(float)
其中,`column1` 和 `column2` 是你想要转换的列名,可以根据实际情况进行修改。