invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "20230524 17.40"
时间: 2023-12-03 09:04:27 浏览: 288
这是一个 PostgreSQL 数据库的错误信息,它表明在尝试将字符串转换为时间戳时出现了错误。具体来说,该字符串 "20230524 17.40" 的格式不符合 PostgreSQL 中时间戳的标准格式,导致转换失败。如果您想将该字符串转换为时间戳,您需要将其转换为正确的时间戳格式,例如 "2023-05-24 17:40:00"。您可以使用 PostgreSQL 中的日期时间函数或编程语言中的日期时间库来实现这个转换。
invalid input syntax for type double precision: "\"
This error message suggests that the input provided to a double precision data type is invalid. The backslash character "\" is not a valid character for a double precision number. Double precision numbers should only contain numeric characters, decimal points, and scientific notation (e.g. 1.23e-4).
To resolve this error, check the input data and make sure it only contains valid characters for a double precision number. If necessary, you may need to clean or sanitize the input data before passing it to the double precision variable.