06-06 08:22:50.490 1000 2410 2475 I am_proc_start: [0,29749,10284,com.UCMobile,next-top-activity,{com.UCMobile/com.UCMobile.main.UCMobile}]各个参数含义
时间: 2024-04-06 21:34:57 浏览: 106
这 is an Android system-level log message that indicates an "am_proc_start" event has occurred. The parameters in this log message have the following meanings:
- "0": This is the user ID of the process that was started. In this case, it is the system user (user ID 0).
- "29749": This is the process ID (PID) of the new process that was started.
- "10284": This is the parent PID of the new process. It indicates the process that launched the new process.
- "com.UCMobile": This is the package name of the application that was launched.
- "next-top-activity": This is the reason why the new process was started. In this case, it is because the top activity in the application needed to be launched.
- "{com.UCMobile/com.UCMobile.main.UCMobile}": This is the component name of the activity that was launched. It consists of the package name and class name of the activity. In this case, the activity is named "UCMobile" and it is located in the "com.UCMobile.main" package.