error: pub?was not declared in this scopepub.publish(msg);
时间: 2023-10-13 08:04:29 浏览: 83
这个错误提示是因为在当前的作用域中找不到 `pub` 这个变量或函数,导致无法调用 `publish` 函数。你需要检查一下代码,看一下 `pub` 这个变量或函数是否被正确地声明和定义了。通常情况下,这种错误是由于语法错误或变量作用域问题造成的。你可以参考一下代码示例或者查看相关文档来解决这个问题。
/home/abot/robot_ws/src/user_demo/include/user_demo/mission_node.hpp:381:9:error: pub?was not declared in this scopepub.publish(msg); /home/abot/robot ws/src/user_demo/include/user_demo/missionsuggested alternative: “pub Anode.hoos381:9pub.publish(msg); bub A/home/abot/robot ws/src/user_demo/include/user_demo/mission ratewas not declared in this scopeode.hpp:383:9:errorrate.sleep( ); suggested alternative: "write/home/abot/robot ws/src/user_demo/include/usenode .hpp:383:9: note:rate.sleep();
这个错误提示与之前的错误提示类似,也是因为在当前的作用域中找不到 `pub` 这个变量或函数,导致无法调用 `publish` 函数。同时,还有一个与 `pub` 相关的变量 `rate` 也未被声明。你需要检查一下代码,看一下 `pub` 和 `rate` 这两个变量是否被正确地声明和定义了。另外,根据提示信息,你可以尝试使用 `ros::Rate` 类型的变量来控制节点的运行频率,以替代 `rate.sleep()`。同时,也可以参考一下代码示例或者查看相关文档来解决这个问题。
error: ?unit? was not declared in this scope; did you mean ?uint??
This error message suggests that there is a typo in the code and the compiler cannot find a declaration for the variable or type "unit". It suggests "uint" as a possible alternative, which is a common abbreviation for "unsigned integer". The programmer should check the spelling of the identifier and make sure it is properly declared or defined in the code.