ubuntu的kvm安装Windows 报错No bootable device
时间: 2023-11-27 15:03:18 浏览: 554
1. 确保你已经正确地安装了Windows操作系统的ISO镜像文件,并将其作为虚拟机的光驱设备挂载。
2. 进入虚拟机的BIOS设置界面,检查是否正确地设置了启动顺序,确保光驱设备在硬盘设备之前启动。
3. 如果虚拟机的硬盘设备是一个空的磁盘映像文件,你需要先在虚拟机中安装一个Windows系统,然后再将你的目标系统安装到该虚拟机中。
ubantu系统安装后报错no bootable device found
当你在Ubuntu系统安装过程中遇到"no bootable device found"错误,这意味着系统未能找到可启动的设备或安装介质(如USB、DVD或硬盘)。这可能是以下几个原因导致的:
1. **安装媒介问题**:确认你的Ubuntu安装盘或U盘是否正确读取和写入,尝试更换另一个安装媒介。
2. **BIOS设置**:进入计算机的BIOS(基本输入/输出系统)设置,检查“启动顺序”是否优先选择了正确的安装源,通常应该选择USB或CD/DVD。
3. **损坏的安装文件**:如果安装媒介有问题,可能需要重新下载并制作一个新的安装盘或U盘。
4. **硬件兼容性**:某些旧版或不支持UEFI的硬件可能需要进入 Legacy BIOS模式来安装Ubuntu。
5. **分区表问题**:如果有多个磁盘驱动器,检查它们的分区是否被正确识别为引导设备,如有必要,你可以手动设置。
6. **启动修复**:在安装过程中,有些情况下可以选择执行自动修复工具,如Startup Repair,看看能否解决问题。
1. 如何在BIOS中修改启动顺序?
2. Ubuntu安装过程中如何运行启动修复工具?
3. 如果磁盘驱动器未被识别,如何手动指定引导设备?
no bootable device
detected. What should I do?
If your computer is displaying the message "no bootable device detected", it means the computer is unable to find a device containing the operating system to start up. There are a few potential solutions to this problem:
1. Check to make sure that there are no external storage devices (such as USB drives or CDs) plugged into your computer. Sometimes the computer will try to boot from these external devices instead of the internal hard drive.
2. Check the BIOS settings to make sure that the correct boot order is set. The BIOS is the program that controls the hardware on your computer, and the boot order is the sequence of devices that the BIOS will attempt to start up from. Typically, the internal hard drive should be listed first in the boot order.
3. Check to make sure that the hard drive is properly connected to the computer. Sometimes the hard drive can become loose or disconnected for various reasons, which can cause the "no bootable device" error.
4. If none of these solutions work, you may need to repair or replace the hard drive itself.