level1 sfunction和level2 sfunction
时间: 2023-11-27 21:05:05 浏览: 296
Level 1 S-Function和Level 2 S-Function是用于MATLAB Simulink中的两种不同类型的S-Function。
Level 1 S-Function是C或C++代码的包装器,用于在Simulink中实现简单的算法。它可以被编译为DLL文件,并通过S-Function块调用。Level 1 S-Function只能在Simulink中使用,不能在MATLAB命令窗口中使用。
Level 2 S-Function是更高级的S-Function,允许用户在Simulink中实现复杂的算法。它可以使用C、C++和MATLAB编写,并可以与Simulink建模环境以及其它Simulink模块进行交互。Level 2 S-Function可以在Simulink和MATLAB命令窗口中使用。它可以被编译为DLL文件,并通过S-Function块调用。
simulink level2sfunction中如何定义一个总线信号
Simulink中的Level 2 S-functions(也称为MEX文件)是一种允许用户自定义算法并在Simulink环境中使用的函数库。要在Level 2 S-function中定义一个总线信号,你需要按照以下步骤操作:
1. 定义输入/输出端口:首先,在S-function的.h头文件中,声明总线信号作为`mxArray`类型的输入或输出。例如,如果你想要定义一个名为`myBus`的双端口总线,可以这样做:
#ifndef _MYFUNCTION_H_
#define _MYFUNCTION_H_
#include "simstruc.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
mxArray *MyFunctionOutputs(void* data, int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int ninl, const mxArray *pinl[]);
void MyFunctionInputs(mxArray *plhs[], int nargout, const mxArray *prhs[]);
#ifdef __cplusplus
2. 实现数据读写:在`.m`源文件中,编写相应的`MyFunctionInputs`和`MyFunctionOutputs`函数,分别处理输入和输出。对于总线信号,你需要访问`mxGetPr`(获取指针)和`mxGetPi`(获取索引)来读取或写入数据。例如:
mxArray *MyFunctionOutputs(void* data, int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int ninl, const mxArray *pinl[]) {
// ... 其他代码
if (nlhs == 1 && strcmp(mxGetClassName(prhs[0]), "double") == 0) { // 确保输入是一个double类型的总线
mxArray *bus = plhs[0];
double *outData = mxGetPr(bus);
// 从pinl[0]提取总线数据并赋值给outData
return plhs;
void MyFunctionInputs(mxArray *plhs[], int nargout, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
// ... 其他代码
if (nargout == 1 && ninl == 1 && strcmp(mxGetClassName(prhs[0]), "double") == 0) { // 如果有输出,并且输入也是一个总线
mxArray *inputBus = pinl[0];
double *inData = mxGetPr(inputBus); // 获取输入总线的数据
// 更新或设置函数内部变量,然后返回结果到输出总线
3. 编译并链接:将.m文件编译成.mexw64或.mexa64文件,具体取决于你的系统架构。然后在Simulink模型中引用这个S-function,并在适当的位置连接总线信号。
Level-2 MATLAB S-function
A Level-2 MATLAB S-function is a Simulink block that can be used to implement custom, nonlinear models in Simulink. It is Level-2 because it provides more advanced capabilities than a Level-1 S-function, including the ability to store state information and handle continuous-time signals.
To create a Level-2 MATLAB S-function, you need to define the following functions:
1. mdlInitializeSizes: This function is called once at the start of simulation to set up the block's input and output ports.
2. mdlInitializeConditions: This function is called once at the start of simulation to initialize the block's states.
3. mdlOutputs: This function is called at each simulation time step to compute the block's output.
4. mdlUpdate: This function is called at each simulation time step to update the block's states.
5. mdlTerminate: This function is called once at the end of simulation to clean up any resources used by the block.
In addition to these functions, you may also need to define other functions depending on the specific requirements of your model.
Once you have defined your S-function, you can use it in a Simulink model just like any other block. You can also customize the block's parameters and properties to suit your needs.