解释这段代码def step(self, actions): self.times += 1 # 动作交互 #print("step:",self.times) for index, agent in enumerate(self.agents): agent.position = agent.position + actions[index] # self.paths[index].append(agent.position.copy()) agent.action = actions[index] # 奖励函数 rewards, done = self._get_reward() # # 状态裁剪 for agent in self.agents: agent.position = np.clip(agent.position,[0, 0], [self.width, self.height])# 不能超出边界 # 更新状态 states = self._get_position() self.render() return states[-1], rewards, done, {}
时间: 2024-02-15 09:28:08 浏览: 157
1. 增加时间步数times计数器的值;
2. 执行动作交互,即将每个代理的位置增加相应的动作;
3. 计算奖励函数并判断是否完成任务;
4. 对代理的位置进行状态裁剪,以防止其超出环境边界;
5. 获取当前的状态并进行渲染;
6. 返回最后的状态、奖励、完成标志和空字典。
解释这段代码 def test(self): returns = [] for time_step in tqdm(range(self.args.time_steps)): episode_step = 0 s = self.env.reset() rewards = np.array([0.0]) while True: u = [] actions = [] with torch.no_grad(): #for agent_id, agent in enumerate(self.agents): action1 = action2 = action3 = action4 = self.action0 action5 = self.agents.select_action(s, self.noise, self.epsilon) + self.action0 # 变道车动作 action = [action1, action2, action3, action4, action5] u.append(action5) # actions.append(action) episode_step += 1 s_next, r, done, info = self.env.step(action) s = s_next rewards = rewards + r# [:-1] if done[0] or episode_step % self.episode_limit == 0: returns.append(rewards) print("Episode:{}, Agent_1:{}".format(time_step, rewards)) break
解释这段代码while True: with torch.no_grad(): action5 = self.agents.select_action(s, self.noise, self.epsilon) + self.action4 # 变道车动作 action = [self.action0, self.action1, self.action2, self.action3, action5] u = action5 # actions.append(action) s_next, r, done, info = self.env.step(action) episode_step += 1 self.buffer.store_episode(s, u, r, s_next) s = s_next ep_rewards += r if self.buffer.current_size >= self.args.batch_size: transitions = self.buffer.sample(self.args.batch_size) self.agents.learn(transitions) self.noise = max(0.05, self.noise - 0.0000005) self.epsilon = max(0.05, self.epsilon - 0.0000005) if done or episode_step % self.episode_limit == 0: rewards.append(ep_rewards) print("Episode:{}, Agent_1:{}".format(time_step, ep_rewards)) a1.append(time_step) break