时间: 2023-06-07 22:01:36 浏览: 354
eie11_zh-cn_wol_win764.zip是一个IE11的中文离线安装包,适用于Windows 7的64位操作系统。离线安装包意味着您可以在没有互联网连接的情况下进行安装,节省了下载和更新时间。IE11是微软公司推出的浏览器,具有更快的速度、更好的性能、更安全的浏览和更多的新功能。此外,IE11采用了更现代的设计,用户界面更加简洁和易于使用。IE11还具有较高的兼容性,可以与现代网站和应用程序完美地配合使用。如果您的电脑上没有安装IE11,推荐您下载此离线安装包进行安装,以获得更好的浏览和体验。
1. 在任务栏的搜索框输入'IE',查看是否可以找到IE11的快捷方式。
2. 直接在桌面或开始菜单中找到IE11的图标,双击打开它,并检查浏览器右上角是否显示为IE11。
3. 查看IE11的版本信息,通过浏览器的帮助菜单选择关于Internet Explorer选项,应显示IE11的版本号。
Compose your EIE3810_KeyUp_EXTIInit() for Key_Up.
To initialize the external interrupt for `Key_Up` (connected to EXTI0), you need to follow these steps:
1. **Enable the Clocks**: Enable the clocks for the GPIO and AFIO peripherals.
2. **Configure the GPIO Pin**: Set up the GPIO pin for the key as an input with a pull-up resistor.
3. **Configure the EXTI Line**: Set up the EXTI line to be triggered by the appropriate GPIO pin.
4. **Set the Trigger Type**: Configure the EXTI line to trigger on a falling edge (or rising edge if preferred).
5. **Set the Interrupt Priority**: Assign a priority to the EXTI0 interrupt.
6. **Enable the Interrupt**: Enable the EXTI0 interrupt.
Here is the implementation of `EIE3810_KeyUp_EXTIInit()`:
void EIE3810_KeyUp_EXTIInit(void) {
// 1. Enable the clocks for GPIOA and AFIO
// 2. Configure GPIOA Pin 0 (Key_Up) as input with pull-up resistor
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IPU; // Input Pull-Up
GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
// 3. Configure EXTI Line 0 to be mapped to PA0
GPIO_EXTILineConfig(GPIO_PortSourceGPIOA, GPIO_PinSource0);
// 4. Set the trigger type for EXTI Line 0 (falling edge)
EXTI_InitTypeDef EXTI_InitStructure;
EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Line = EXTI_Line0;
EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Mode = EXTI_Mode_Interrupt;
EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Trigger = EXTI_Trigger_Falling;
EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_LineCmd = ENABLE;
// 5. Set the priority for EXTI Line 0
NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI0_IRQn;
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0x75 >> 4; // Higher 4 bits of 0x75
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0x75 & 0x0F; // Lower 4 bits of 0x75
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
### Explanation:
1. **Enable the Clocks**:
- `RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd` enables the clocks for GPIOA and AFIO.
2. **Configure the GPIO Pin**:
- `GPIO_InitTypeDef` initializes the GPIO structure.
- `GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0;` sets the pin to PA0.
- `GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IPU;` configures the pin as an input with a pull-up resistor.
- `GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);` applies the configuration to GPIOA.
3. **Configure the EXTI Line**:
- `GPIO_EXTILineConfig` maps EXTI Line 0 to PA0.
4. **Set the Trigger Type**:
- `EXTI_InitTypeDef` initializes the EXTI structure.
- `EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Line = EXTI_Line0;` specifies EXTI Line 0.
- `EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Mode = EXTI_Mode_Interrupt;` sets the mode to interrupt.
- `EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Trigger = EXTI_Trigger_Falling;` sets the trigger type to falling edge.
- `EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_LineCmd = ENABLE;` enables the EXTI line.
- `EXTI_Init(&EXTI_InitStructure);` applies the configuration.
5. **Set the Priority**:
- `NVIC_InitTypeDef` initializes the NVIC structure.
- `NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI0_IRQn;` specifies the EXTI0 interrupt channel.
- `NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0x75 >> 4;` sets the pre-emption priority (higher 4 bits of 0x75).
- `NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0x75 & 0x0F;` sets the sub-priority (lower 4 bits of 0x75).
- `NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;` enables the interrupt channel.
- `NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);` applies the configuration.
This function sets up the external interrupt for `Key_Up` (EXTI0) to be triggered on a falling edge and assigns it a specific priority.