mybatis-plus groupby 返回map
时间: 2023-08-28 15:04:36 浏览: 421
如果您想获取 mybatis-plus groupby 返回 map 的结果中的值,可以使用 Map 的 get 方法。您需要提供一个键(即列名),以获取对应的值。示例代码如下:
Map<String, Object> result = mybatisPlusMapper.selectMaps(new QueryWrapper<User>().select("id", "name").groupBy("age")).get(0);
Object age = result.get("age");
这将从返回的 map 中获取 age 列的值,并将其存储在一个 Object 类型的变量中。请注意,此示例代码仅获取了第一个元素的结果,您还可以通过循环获取所有结果。
mybatis-plus groupby count 返回map
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
QueryWrapper<Entity> wrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();"column1, COUNT(column2) AS count")
List<Map<String, Object>> resultList = entityService.listMaps(wrapper);
for (Map<String, Object> result : resultList) {
map.put(result.get("column1").toString(), result.get("count"));
mybatis-plus groupby
MyBatis-Plus is an enhanced version of MyBatis, a popular Java persistence framework. It provides additional features and utilities to simplify database access and SQL operations. However, MyBatis-Plus does not directly support the GROUP BY clause in SQL.
To perform a GROUP BY query using MyBatis-Plus, you can use the `@SqlParser(filter = true)` annotation on your mapper interface method, and then manually write the SQL statement with the GROUP BY clause. Here's an example:
public interface YourMapper extends BaseMapper<YourEntity> {
@SqlParser(filter = true) // This annotation is needed to bypass MyBatis-Plus parsing
@Select("SELECT column1, column2, COUNT(*) as count FROM your_table GROUP BY column1, column2")
List<Map<String, Object>> groupByColumns();
In this example, `YourEntity` represents your entity class, and `your_table` is the corresponding database table. The `groupByColumns` method returns a list of maps, where each map represents a row of the result set.
Remember to adjust the SQL statement based on your specific use case and table structure.