时间: 2024-04-24 13:21:58 浏览: 50
在软件开发领域中,build configuration是指编译和构建软件时所使用的配置。它包括编译器、编译选项、链接器、目标平台等等。在不同的开发环境中,build configuration的设置也会有所不同,如在Visual Studio中,可以设置Debug和Release两种build configuration,分别用于开发和发布阶段。在Android Studio中,可以设置不同的build variant,如debug、release、unit test等。不同的build configuration可以针对不同的需求进行优化,从而提高软件的性能和质量。
Build Configuration
Build configuration refers to the settings and options that are used when compiling a software application or system. These settings can include things like compiler flags, linker options, optimization settings, and platform-specific settings. The build configuration is typically specified in a build script or configuration file, and can be customized depending on the specific needs of the application or system being built. The build configuration is an important part of the software development process, as it can have a significant impact on the performance, stability, and portability of the resulting software.
Build of configuration Debug for project 6416test
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