什么意思Error in binominal(link = logit) : could not find function "binominal"
时间: 2024-01-24 15:19:14 浏览: 121
这个错误提示是因为 R 语言中没有名为 "binominal" 的函数。可能是你在代码中拼写错误或者是误用了一个不存在的函数名。正确的函数名应该是 "binomial"。 "binomial" 是一个二项式函数,用于二元分类模型中,其中参数 "link = logit" 表示使用逻辑回归作为链接函数。你可以检查一下你的代码中是否有拼写错误,或者是误用了一个不存在的函数名。
Error in binominal(link = logit) : could not find function "binominal"
The error message "could not find function" usually means that the function you are trying to use is not recognized by R. In this case, it seems like you have a typo in the function name. The correct function name is "binomial" (with two "i"s), not "binominal".
The binomial function is typically used in a glm() function call to specify a binomial generalized linear model with a logit link function. For example:
model <- glm(response ~ predictor, data = mydata, family = binomial(link = logit))
This would fit a logistic regression model with "response" as the response variable and "predictor" as the predictor variable, using the binomial family with a logit link function.
for(i in 1:nsimu){ aa=data[order(runif(ss)),] A0=aa[c(1:ss0),] A1=aa[-c(1:ss0),] model.1=glm(是否点击 ~ 平台编码+ 竞拍底价 + 是否为全插屏广告 + 手机运营商 + 网络状况 + 设备制造商 + 时段 ,family=binomial(link=logit),data=A0) model.2=glm(是否点击 ~ 平台编码+ 竞拍底价 + 是否为全插屏广告 + 设备制造商 + 时段 ,family=binomial(link=logit),data=A0) model.3=glm(是否点击 ~ 是否为全插屏广告 ,family=binomial(link=logit),data=A0) pred.1=predict(model.1,A1) pred.2=predict(model.2,A1) pred.3=predict(model.3,A1) Y=A1$是否点击 auc.1=roc(Y,pred.1)$auc auc.2=roc(Y,pred.2)$auc auc.3=roc(Y,pred.3)$auc AUC[i,]=c(auc.1,auc.2,auc.3) }