port-group 1
时间: 2023-10-25 13:07:21 浏览: 106
"port-group 1" is a command used in network switches to configure a group of physical ports on the switch as a single logical port. This logical port is referred to as a "port-channel" or "etherchannel" and provides increased bandwidth, redundancy, and load-balancing capabilities. By bundling multiple physical ports together, the switch can treat them as one logical port, allowing for better utilization of available bandwidth and improved fault tolerance. Port-group 1 is typically used as a default identifier for the first port-channel group on a switch.
port-group group-member
port-group-vlan 1
这是一条 Cisco IOS 命令,用于配置一个 VLAN 端口组,将一组端口绑定到同一个 VLAN 上。port-group-vlan 命令后面的数字 1 表示 VLAN 的 ID 号。该命令可以应用在交换机或路由器接口上,用于将一组物理端口绑定到同一个 VLAN 上,从而实现 VLAN 的划分和管理。可以使用多个 port-group-vlan 命令创建多个 VLAN 端口组,每个 VLAN 端口组可以包含不同的物理端口。