optimize table 和 alter table table_name engine=innodb 的却别
时间: 2023-10-21 13:03:53 浏览: 283
optimize table 用于优化已有的表,它会重建表并压缩数据文件以节省磁盘空间,同时可以修复表的碎片和优化索引。optimize table 可以在表结构不变的情况下进行,即只对表的数据进行优化,不会改变表的存储引擎。
alter table table_name engine=innodb 则是用于修改表的存储引擎为 InnoDB,它会将表从原来的存储引擎转换为 InnoDB。InnoDB 存储引擎具有更好的事务处理和并发控制能力,适合于高并发的 OLTP 应用。
因此,optimize table 和 alter table table_name engine=innodb 的区别在于,optimize table 用于优化表的性能,而 alter table table_name engine=innodb 用于修改表的存储引擎,以提高表的并发和事务处理能力。
ALTER TABLE your_table_name ENGINE=InnoDB; 表重组期间,会影响读写么
在MySQL 5.6版本及以上,使用ALTER TABLE语句进行在线DDL操作来重建表时,会使用InnoDB的Fast Index Creation技术,在重建表的过程中只会锁住需要修改的表结构的部分,而不会锁住整个表,这样就可以避免对表的读写操作产生较大的影响。
SELECT table_name, engine, table_rows, avg_row_length, data_length, max_data_length, data_free FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'your_database_name' AND engine IN ('InnoDB', 'MyISAM') AND data_free > 10 * 1024 * 1024 ORDER BY data_free DESC;
如果表的碎片比较小,可以考虑使用OPTIMIZE TABLE命令来进行碎片整理。如果表的碎片比较大,可以考虑使用表重组操作来进行碎片整理。
mysql error 1114,mysql error 1114 table is full 处理分享
MySQL error 1114 is related to the InnoDB storage engine and it means that the table is full. This error occurs when the InnoDB engine cannot allocate more space to store data in the table. Here are some steps you can take to resolve this error:
1. Check the available disk space on your server. If the disk space is low, free up some space.
2. Check the size of the table that is causing the error. You can use the following command to get the size of the table:
SELECT table_name, round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) as "Size (MB)"
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE table_schema = "your_database_name"
ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) DESC;
This will give you the size of all the tables in your database. Identify the table that is causing the error and check if it has reached its maximum size limit.
3. Increase the maximum size limit for the table. You can do this by altering the table and increasing the value of the `innodb_data_file_path` parameter. For example:
ALTER TABLE your_table_name ENGINE=InnoDB
DATA DIRECTORY='/path/to/new/directory/'
INDEX DIRECTORY='/path/to/new/directory/'
COMMENT='Increase table size limit';
In this example, the `MAX_ROWS` and `AVG_ROW_LENGTH` parameters have been increased to increase the table size limit. You can adjust these parameters according to your needs.
4. If none of the above solutions work, you can try optimizing the table. This will free up some space and may resolve the error. You can use the following command to optimize a table:
OPTIMIZE TABLE your_table_name;
This will rebuild the table and reclaim any unused space.
I hope these solutions help you resolve the MySQL error 1114.