一个List<Map<String, String>> bedCountInRoom 一个List<Map<String, String>> roomUsedBedCount 他们都有key room_id 怎么比较他们key相等时 value是否相等
时间: 2023-10-14 19:31:19 浏览: 80
for (Map<String, String> bedCountMap : bedCountInRoom) {
for (Map<String, String> usedBedCountMap : roomUsedBedCount) {
if (bedCountMap.get("room_id").equals(usedBedCountMap.get("room_id"))) {
if (bedCountMap.get("value").equals(usedBedCountMap.get("value"))) {
System.out.println("Room " + bedCountMap.get("room_id") + " has the same bed count and used bed count.");
} else {
System.out.println("Room " + bedCountMap.get("room_id") + " has different bed count and used bed count.");
这段代码遍历了bedCountInRoom和roomUsedBedCount两个list中的map,如果这两个map的room_id相等,则比较它们的value是否相等。如果相等,则输出“Room [room_id] has the same bed count and used bed count.”,否则输出“Room [room_id] has different bed count and used bed count.”。注意,在比较过程中如果找到了相同的room_id就可以退出内层循环,因为一个room_id只会在两个list中出现一次。