时间: 2023-08-07 09:46:44 浏览: 84
抱歉,我的回答有误。正确的函数名是 `cv2.bitwise_and`。`cv2.bitwise_and` 是 OpenCV 中的一个函数,用于对两个数组进行按位与运算。
- `src1`:输入数组1
- `src2`:输入数组2
- `dst`:输出数组,与 `src1` 和 `src2` 的大小和类型相同。
- `mask`:可选的操作掩码。如果提供了操作掩码,则只有掩码值为非零的位置才进行按位与运算,否则将输出 0。
`cv2.bitwise_and` 将 `src1` 和 `src2` 中对应位置的元素进行按位与操作,并将结果存储在 `dst` 中。例如,如果 `src1` 和 `src2` 的元素分别为 `3` 和 `1`,则 `dst` 的元素为 `1`。如果提供了操作掩码,则只有掩码值为非零的位置才进行按位与运算,否则将输出 0。
void Extract1DEdgeCircle::GetProfieMat() { if (m_mInputMat.empty()) { return; } if (m_mInputMat.channels() > 1) { cvtColor(m_mInputMat, m_mInputMat, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); } //Get ROI mat. RotatedRect rMaskRegion(m_pdCenter, Size2f(GetPPDistance(m_pdStart, m_pdEnd) + 10, m_dLength + 10), m_dAngle); Point2f rRegionPoints[4]; rMaskRegion.points(rRegionPoints); Mat mask = Mat::zeros(m_mInputMat.size(), CV_8UC1); Point ppt[] = { rRegionPoints[0], rRegionPoints[1], rRegionPoints[2], rRegionPoints[3] }; const Point* pts[] = { ppt }; int npt[] = { 4 }; fillPoly(mask, pts, npt, 1, Scalar::all(255), 8); Mat RoiMat = Mat::zeros(m_mInputMat.size(), m_mInputMat.type()); bitwise_and(m_mInputMat, m_mInputMat, RoiMat, mask); Mat RotateMat = getRotationMatrix2D(m_pdCenter, -m_dAngle, 1); warpAffine(RoiMat, RoiMat, RotateMat, m_mInputMat.size(), WARP_INVERSE_MAP); Mat newCenter = RotateMat * (Mat_<double>(3, 1) << m_pdCenter.x, m_pdCenter.y, 1); double x =<double>(0, 0); double y =<double>(1, 0); Mat M = (Mat_<double>(2, 3) << 1, 0, x - m_dLength * 0.5, 0, 1, y - m_dHeight * 0.5); warpAffine(RoiMat, m_mInputMat, M, Size2d(m_dLength, m_dHeight), WARP_INVERSE_MAP); }这段代码如何使用AVX2指令集加速
To use AVX2 instructions to accelerate this code, we need to identify the parts of the code that can be parallelized and vectorized. One potential candidate is the image warping operations (i.e., `warpAffine` function calls).
To use AVX2 instructions, we need to use the `cv::parallel_for_` function to parallelize the loop that applies the warping operations to each pixel in the image.
Next, we need to vectorize the code inside the loop using AVX2 instructions. We can use the `cv::v_load` function to load 8 consecutive pixels (assuming a 8-byte data type) into an AVX2 register, and the `cv::v_gather` function to gather non-consecutive pixels into an AVX2 register. We can then perform the necessary arithmetic operations using AVX2 instructions and store the results back to memory using the `cv::v_store` function.
Here is an example of how the code inside the loop can be vectorized using AVX2 instructions:
__m256i vindex = _mm256_set_epi32(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++)
uchar* src_ptr = src.ptr<uchar>(i);
uchar* dst_ptr = dst.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < src.cols; j += 8)
__m256i vsrc = cv::v_load(src_ptr + j);
__m256i vx = _mm256_add_epi32(_mm256_mul_epu32(_mm256_cvtepu8_epi32(vindex), vx_step), vx_offset);
__m256i vy = _mm256_add_epi32(_mm256_mul_epu32(_mm256_cvtepu8_epi32(vindex), vy_step), vy_offset);
__m256i vx_lo = _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(vx, 0));
__m256i vx_hi = _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(vx, 1));
__m256i vy_lo = _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(vy, 0));
__m256i vy_hi = _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(vy, 1));
__m256i vx_lo_32 = _mm256_cvtepi64_epi32(vx_lo);
__m256i vx_hi_32 = _mm256_cvtepi64_epi32(vx_hi);
__m256i vy_lo_32 = _mm256_cvtepi64_epi32(vy_lo);
__m256i vy_hi_32 = _mm256_cvtepi64_epi32(vy_hi);
__m256i vsrc00 = cv::v_gather(src_ptr, src_step, vx_lo_32, vy_lo_32, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 1);
__m256i vsrc01 = cv::v_gather(src_ptr, src_step, vx_hi_32, vy_lo_32, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 1);
__m256i vsrc10 = cv::v_gather(src_ptr, src_step, vx_lo_32, vy_hi_32, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 1);
__m256i vsrc11 = cv::v_gather(src_ptr, src_step, vx_hi_32, vy_hi_32, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 1);
__m256i vsrc0 = _mm256_packs_epi32(vsrc00, vsrc01);
__m256i vsrc1 = _mm256_packs_epi32(vsrc10, vsrc11);
__m256i vsrc = _mm256_packus_epi16(vsrc0, vsrc1);
cv::v_store(dst_ptr + j, vsrc);
Note that this is just an example, and the actual implementation may depend on the specifics of the code and the hardware platform.